The Flames We Share

Start from the beginning

"Hey there. Where looking for some... extra help." I said to the two men.

"What kind of help?" Asked the one to the left.

"Help you can't buy in stores." I answered.

"Go round the back and tell Shamus and Saxon that Michael sent you." The one to the right said.

Around the back we were let in the building right away and Lucy gave me a look of suspicion. "Have you ever done this before? You seem rather comfortable in this situation."

"No but this is all underground. They probably don't expect normal guilds to have herd of it let alone who ever sent the mission." I mumbled. "There's no reason for us to be anxious. Just act natural." A few shady characters passed us as we made our way further into the building. Each clutching a bundle of papers with complicated circles on them.

"Good evening my friends. I understand that you want a demon familiar but I must warn you. Even if you summon one you can't always control it." I recognised the face of the Dry Ice Guilds master Jordan Levitan from the papers reporting his guilds dark guild status.

"Each of you will receive a bundle of papers in return for 1500 jewels. Cheap isn't it? Cheaper than the weak summons from the magic stores. All we ask in return is that you do not summon within the building." Jordan continued. "We will now show you how to summon an upper level demon."

One of Dry Ice's goons held out a paper, pricked his fingers and chanted.

"The chant must be something you made up." Jordan added. The goon smeared his blood on the paper and after a loud roaring noise a lion like creature stood before the man.

"This is highly dangerous..." Lucy mumbled. "There was a guy last week hospitalised because of demon summoning."

"I wanna try it." I said gruffly.


"What? How do we know this isn't just some flashy magic trick trying to get tourist money?"

"I guess your right."

Both Lucy and I walked away briskly to a secluded area but while she put her papers away I pulled one from the bundle and prepared to preform the summoning.


The last thing I expected on this mission was for some random guy with a strange tattoo to catnap Kuro. As I bolted after the thief I heard Yukio cry out for me to stop. But I ignored him. Kuro was more important that his scaredy cat worries. The guy was fast I'll give him that but I was faster. But I let him lead me to his hideout. There I sneakily infiltrated the building. And by sneakily I mean I knocked out everyone I saw. Finally I found the room that Kuro had been brought to.

'Rin' came Kuro's voice. A distressed meow to his captors and a plea for help to me. They placed him, immobilised by a powerful seal, in a strange circle, not unlike a summoning circle. I rushed forward and dived into the circle grabbing Kuro and skidding to a halt in the middle. Peeling off the seal Kuro took his larger form and stepped out of the circle ready to attack. I took a stance and prepared to draw my sword."You guys have some explaining to do." I growled to those present. "Who are you and what are you doing?" A man emerged from the shadows which creeped me out cause I hadn't noticed he was there.

"We are Dry Ice and you my demon friend have just stumbled into your doom for you won't make it out of this room." The man laughed. I was about to punch the smug look off his face when the circle lit up.

'Rin!' Kuro cried. Tendrils of light wrapped around me and as I broke from them more appeared and entangled me in their burning grasp.

"What did you do?" I growled.

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