Chapter One-Royalty

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(A/N)When there is a *, then that means Jenna(the main character) is not really speaking. She is just signaling with her hands. I thought I should include that, just to make things clear. ;)


14 years later...

"Your majesty, it's your new ball gown! It's the latest style! What do you not like about it?" Maria, my lady-in-waiting/friend, asked." Your mother will be furious if you don't attend the ball."

I wriggled out of the super-itchy gown. How can people like this? I sighed. All because of one  stupid little curse, I couldn't speak or tell anyone anything. What did I do to deserve

"Oh, by the way, so will Prince Arthur, who is attending the ball too." Maria chirped while I cringed. Prince Arthur and I are engaged, but he's super snobby. It was arranged by our parents, but what do they see in him? I only see trash.

Seeing the look on my face, Maria added,"But, Your Majesty, it is required by Red Ruby Academy's headmaster, Anastasia Raingold! I have no choice but to obey!" Maria sounded like she was on the verge of tears. I peeked at her and saw they were already forming. I felt a pang of sympathy for her. She has a whole family to support, and she's the only one that has a job. If she can't work anymore, then they all will starve and be homeless. I wish I can help her, but I can't. I don't have the power to-my parents do. But trying to convince them? Good luck.

*Alright, Maria, I'll go, but only for you* , I signaled with my hands. I should have braced myself, but I didn't, and the next thing I knew was getting crushed by a fifteen-year-old girl, as she is one year older than me and bigger. It knocked the breath out of me.

"Thank you, thank you, Jenna!" She squealed. "But now we should dress you up."


"I told you it looks beautiful on you." Maria told me as I looked at the stranger in the mirror. The stranger had the same face features, sunshine yellow hair color, and pale skin tone as me, but her aquarium blue eyes are more lively and playful, her movements were more graceful and elegant, and she seemed to be glowing with pride, power, and...

I peered at her more closely. Is it just my imagination, or is she radiating an aura? It changes from ruby red to fiery orange to blush pink and to many other vibrant colors.

I drew in a deep breath, then let it all out. It could mean only one thing, a thing I didn't know I have.


(A/N) Woohoo! You finished chapter one! This is kinda boring, though. Bear with me.

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