The Vampire Uprise{ch2}

Start from the beginning

My eyes landed on the muscles straining against his shirt and I swallowed. Okay yes, he probably could crush me and hey that made him even hotter. But why was he helping me? I could tell by his almost disgustingly pale skin that he either never went outside- or he was a vampire and I was guessing the second one.

I opened my mouth to speak; and gagged when my hair flew in my mouth. Making a disgusted face I pulled the hair out of my mouth attempting to tuck it behind my ear and looked back up at Adam who had an amused expression on his face. His eyes sparkled with humor and I glowered as he started to speak.

"I would keep your mouth closed if I was you." He murmured a big smile forming across his face. "We're running pretty fast... and there are a lot of bugs out here"

Now that he mentioned it, we were running pretty fast. My eyes wandered around watching as blurs of colors passed around us quickly and I could see the occasional tree as he turned slowing down some.

He grinned down at me causing a slight blush to color my cheeks and I laughed a tiny bit. I flinched as my chest tightened; reminding me that I was wounded and I began to speak "Where are we going?" I asked genuinely curious and he continued to look forward.

"My home your wounds will be treated there" he answered his voice naturally melodic and seductive.

Why hadn't I thought of it before? I was in the arms of a vampire that probably was going to kill me! Why exactly had I allowed him to help me? I must be crazy!! My body stiffened up and I stared at him frightened.

"Why-Why are you hel-Helping me" I stuttered my voice coming out quiet and meek. I mentally cursed myself at that exact moment; I didn't want to sound weak especially in front of a powerful vampire.

He shrugged "I don't know"

Now how was that an answer? I thought scowling and crossed my arms across my chest wincing when I put too much pressure.

"I know you're a vampire" I commented dully watching his expression. His jaw clenched his whole face becoming stiff, and he turned towards me his eyes fully black. "Either that or you don't go in the sun at all" I said trying to lighten the mood.

"We're here" he murmured slowing down; looking forward and coming to a stop his feet digging into the ground.

My eyes left him wandering up to the small two story house that looked to be made out of thin wood and I shivered, frightened leaning towards his chest. A smirk played across his lips when he saw my reaction and he whispered "Relax" before walking towards the house.

The front door flung open revealing a very angry looking girl, who looked to be in her twenties. She was beautiful; long curly red hair with sparkling green eyes framed by thin eyelashes and a small 5'6 figure. "Adam Rai Iren!" she snarled her voice coming out like a sweet song. "Just where have you been!? You worried us sick!"

"I got distracted along the way" was all he said as he walked forward tilting me slightly and exposing me to the woman's gaze. Her eyes widened her eyes wandering down to my blood soaked tee shirt and she swallowed. "Paine this is Amanda, her parents were murdered by one of his vampires."

See I really didn't care about the fact that they had said his vampires even though I had always been the nosy type but at this moment I was worried about the girl in front of me and why he called her Paine. That name was just not nice, it didn't make you want to be friends; but hey what do you expect she's a vampire.

"Come inside" Paine murmured disappearing into thin air, and Adam walked inside showing the small shack.

There was a huge couch, with end tables, lamps, and a soft looking rug. The walls were painted tan and there were pictures all over the walls of people. My eyes landed on the one of Adam and raised my eyebrow. Vampires can take photos who knew! Does that mean they have reflections too?

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