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Still Zach's POV
Jovia came off stage and pulled me away from Y/N. Out of no where she kissed me. I immediately pushed her off. Zach: NO! Jovia: why not baby? Zach: Because I don't love you and I never will again and you cheated on me THEN BLAMED ME FOR CHEATING. Jovia: that was in the past I'm talking about now. Zach: well I haven't forgiven you so just stay out of my life. I walked back to Y/N to find her not there.
I was on stage doing the best I can and I could tell I was doing really well. Out of no where something trips me and I fall. It was so embarrassing. I run off and Zach gives me a warm hug. This random girl pulls him away from me and she kisses her. I was so disappointed. That's probably his girlfriend ofc he has one. Look at him he's so hot. I walked away to give them privacy. My little brother and parents congratulate me. Soon everyone is called back up. 
Speaker guy: (blah blah blah) and the winner is.... Jovia! Second place goes to.... Alice! Third place goes to....... Destiny!
I heard her name and my heart dropped. She dances? Wow. And even worse I didn't even place top 3. I usually do. I don't really care that much and I'm not shocked because I fell and everything. I check the other places and I got last. There were kids who didn't even know what they were doing and I still got last! Oh well like I said I don't really care. Zach comes up to me.
Zach: hey Y/N
Y/N: hey
Zach: what did you get
Y/N: last... But at least your girlfriend got first tell her I said congrats!
Zach: girlfriend? I don't have one and you know this that girl that kissed me is my insane ex.
Y/N: fr?
Zach: yes
Y/N: wow that's probably why she tripped me.
Zach: yeah
Out of no where Destiny walks up to us.
Destiny: good job Y/N last place very proud. Zach wouldn't you much rather have a girl who can actually dance?
Zach: first of all she's my step sister and second of all she can dance it's just Jovia tripped her and made her lose.
I look down slightly thinking of the fact I can't be with him because he's my step brother. I think I really like him he would never feel the same way tho. He's my step brother.
Destiny: whatever I still got third.
Zach: yeah yeah now let me and my girlf- step sister be alone pls?
Destiny rolls her eyes and storms off. He almost called me his girlfriend?! Wow that's crazy.
Y/N: I know what you were about to say.
Zach: yeah what was it
Y/N: you almost called me your girlfriend
Zach: ok ok maybe I like you
I can feel my heart skip a beat when he said that. He likes me like that? Omg!
Y/N: I feel the same way
Zach: maybe we can date secretly....?
Y/N: yes! I would love that
He smiles bright but little did we know Jovia was listening in and was ready to do anything to get Zach back.

A/N: sorry I've been gone for so long I hate school lol I'll try my best to post on weekends I have dance most nights after school so I can't really post through the week but I'll try on weekends. Also ik that this part might seem off at some parts but I forgot some of the story and was too lazy to reread so I just kinda went. And I created a new story that you should check out its called my best friend's brother that's it thanks for reading💕

My StepbrotherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora