Tessa strummed along, finishing the song with ease, as she had sung it a hundred times. Several people gathering around, tossing change in her open case. She could see Sharon through the glass door, listening, watching. Tessa finished her first song, With Me, and everyone around applauded.

"Thank you." Tessa said, a slight blush hit her cheeks. She still got embarrassed from the attention. She transitioned into a cover of Joey by Concrete Blonde.

The hour passed quickly. Sharon had come out to the patio several times offering refills to customers and even topping off Tessa's coffee once.

Customers had tossed money into her case throughout the hour, and Tessa hoped she would be able to afford a motel room that night. She straightened out the bills and swept the change into a pile, startled to notice a hundred-dollar bill mixed into the ones. Someone must have made a mistake, she thought holding the bill up.

"Well that went really well." Sharon interrupted Tessa's train of thought.

"Yeah, I think someone made a mistake." Tessa said as she slid the bill towards Sharon.

"Did you see who dropped it in?" Sharon asked.

"No, not really. I was playing, and I try not to pay attention to what people are throwing in the case till the end." Tessa scooped up the change in her case and slid it into her messenger bag hanging on the back of the chair. "I think you should hold on to it, in case someone comes back looking for it."

"No, you keep it. If someone is missing it, we will figure it out." Sharon said.

"We?" Tessa questioned.

"Yes, I was thinking that you could play here a few days a week. I'll pay you to play, not much, but you can make the rest up in tips." Sharon took the chair close to Tessa's, settling in. "Do you have another job?"

"I convinced a club owner to let me host an open mic night for part of the door and I have a tip jar there too." Tessa said almost at a whisper. "I am trying to get some students, so I can teach lessons. I have hung some flyers around town."

"Well do you have a flyer, because we can put it up on that board there." Sharon pointed to the bulletin board attached to the brick wall behind her. "With you playing here, people might be interested. You should probably get some more made so you can leave them out while your performing."

Confused by Sharon's interest, Tessa asked, "Why are you doing this for me?"

Tessa's life had always been rough. She had to fight for everything she got, and her family was the worst kind of bad. She had a sister and loved her very much. That is why she left. She needed to get to a place where she could rescue her sister from her drug addicted mother and her alcoholic father.

"Tessa, I don't know you, but I can tell that this life hasn't been easy on you. I want to help, if I can. This is a simple way to help." Sharon smiled and stood up. "So, come by tomorrow afternoon and we will set up a schedule and get you started."

Sharon made her way back into the coffee house, leaving Tessa with her thoughts. She now had enough money for a room. She would be able to shower the day off of her, shower the week off.

Tessa scanned the board to find a place to hang her flyer. Reading through the papers posted on the wall, she found an add for a missing dog that she swore she had seen at the park this morning. She would have to keep an eye for it, as there was a hundred-dollar reward. Reaching up to pin her add next to someone who cleaned houses, something caught her eye.

Wanted: Roommate.

Tessa read the flyer slowly.

Wanted female roommate to share two-bedroom one bath apartment and expenses. Must be clean, friendly, not crazy, with a respect for space. For more information and to set up an interview, call 555-0454.

Roommate WantedWhere stories live. Discover now