Kanan looked up surprised. 


"Think you are some stupid kid? No you're here and you love that little boy. I don't know the whole story but I will do everything I can to help you and Ezra," he said crossing his arms. 

"Thank you," Kanan smiled. 

Kanan POV 

A few hours later we were walking down the street to the small cantina, Shadow Haunt. Ezra giggled at all the the people and the few who cast a glance at him smiled in return. 

"He sure is a happy baby," Morad chuckled. "Joe is going to love him." 

I chuckled bouncing my son a bit as he looked up at me. 

"Yeah, he's been the only bright spot in all this mess." 

Before I knew it we had made it. Walking inside it pleasantly reminded me of the bar on Garel. They weren't open yet so the place was empty except for an  Ithorian male wiping down the bar and from what I could see was someone in the back making a lot of ruckus. 

"Joey!" Morad called walking over to the bar. 

"Sumar," the keep sighed. "What have I told you about calling me that?" 

"Oh come on, you know it's funny." 

I watched the scene slightly amused, I remember Janus saying that his friend's name was Joe so I figured this was him. 

"Hey Kanan." 

I snapped out of my thoughts and walked over to the pair. 

"this is Kanan Jarrus, the kid I told you about," Morad said placing a hand on my shoulder. "An this little one is his son, Ezra." 

"A pleasure to meet you both," Joe said sticking out his hand. 

I immediately took it and shook hands. 

"So you want a job, huh?" He asked the second I let go. 

I guess I was still tired because my brain short circuited for a moment. 

"I well...um...sigh....Yes I am. Sorry it's been a rough go these last few weeks." 

Joe looked down at Ezra who was currently at the moment trying to grab at the few facial hairs I had managed to grow. 

"How old is he?" 

"Almost a year," I answered moving my head back a bit. 

Joe chuckled slightly before nodding. 

"It's tough when they're at that age. Seen a bunch of men in here talking about their kids. If I had to guess you're under twenty which makes it even tougher especially alone." 

"I wasn't always alone," I answered quietly. "Janus helped out a lot but he died in an explosion on Garel. He told me to come to Lothal and find you. Said that you would be able to help." 

"Janus Kasmir sent you?" Joe asked. 

I nodded kissing the top of my son's head. 

"He saved Ezra and I when the ceiling collapsed; pushed us out of the way. There was nothing I could have done to save him." 

Joe sighed and looked up and I swore I saw tears in the bar keeps eyes. 

"Kasmir was a wonderful friend and if he trusted you then so do I. I need a second bartender can you do that?" 

I nodded eagerly. 

"Good, an you are in luck, the owner is here and will wanting to meet you." 

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