Chapter 30 - The Fight

Start from the beginning

Chanel turns her head towards me but her eyes are staring down at my phone on my lap. Finally, her eyes look up to mine.

"Between you and I, nothing happened with me and this girl. I wanted to go to sleep the entire time. I know I had to be up for this flight. I was going to tell you everything as soon as we landed but we got bombarded with papa-"

"Let me see your phone." Chanel interrupts. Was she ever listening?

I hand my phone to her having nothing at all to hide.

She scrolls through whatever she wants. Text messages, instagram, and snapchat. She hands the phone back to me. I'm not sure what she was looking for but she looks relieved that she didn't find anything. She closes her eyes and lays her head back on the car seat. She stays like that for the duration of the ride.


The house is quiet.

Complete silence for 3 hours, to the point where I think maybe Chanel has passed out in the bedroom. I turn on the living room TV and make sure the volume is barely audible to me. My face flashes on to TMZ with a cut out picture of Coca and then the instagram picture with her pressed against me.

"And this just in. It seems there is new info on Prodigy and his Atlanta friend. Sources tell us an amount of $1,000 was wired to Cocoa last night to conclude what seems to be a great time. Is Cocoa an up and coming artist or an escort?" The reporter laughs.

My heart sinks to the floor.

"Chanel is not gonna be happy to hear this." One of the other reporters tease.

I turn off the TV and the place is dark aside from the lamp next to the couch.

I feel her presence there before she speaks.

"Turn it back on, Trev." She croaks.

"Chanel, listen to me." I plead, rubbing my eyes.

"One thousand dollars?" Her voice raises in anger. "FOR WHAT?"

I get up and walk over to her, there are tears in her eyes already . Her face looks confused. The silk night gown hangs off of her shoulder and her hair looks frazzled.

"I felt like she needed the money, Chan." I sigh looking into her eyes.

Tears roll down her cheek and she looks at me in disbelief.

"And suddenly you have to save her?" She questions lost.

"Her Family is struggling to stay above gro-"

"Everyone in the ghetto is fucking struggling. Are you going to give everyone one thousand dollars? Or just this girl you brought back to the hotel, probably to fuck!" She screams and her hand motions to the TV.

"I did NOT fuck this girl." I yell back.

"I asked you to tell me everything and you forget the part where you give her money after a night at a fucking hotel. Why do I keep getting blind sided by the fucking media when my boyfriend is RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME?" She wipes her eyes and nose. I move closer to her and she pushes me away so hard that I have to find my balance.

"Did you fuck her, Trev?" She questions as calmly as she can muster.

"No, Chanel. No. No. NO." I say again and again.

The Come Up (Book II) : PRODIGYWhere stories live. Discover now