Chapter 28 - Coca

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                          "What hotel are y'all staying at anyway?" Mena asks. The girls had packed up and followed us out to the uber we just called. As we walk to the cab, Coca and Mena's heels click along the pavement. Coca far behind us, Mena glued to Emil's side. I curse them both out in my head. 

The black SUV sits at the side of the back entrance of the venue. 

"We staying at the Hiltons by River Dr." Emil answers. 

"Oh my God, I think our hotel is right next to yours actually. Holiday Inn on River Drive." Mena retorts excited. I clench my fists and tighten my jaw. 

"Coca, whats the address for our Hotel." She calls to Coca behind us who seems to be chilly. Her arms folded into herself, making her breasts look bigger. She seems to be lost in her own world of thought. I divert my attention back to the cab. 

Coca recalls the address. "156 River Dr." She answers barely audible. 

"Yea, that is right next to our hotel. What an amazing coincidence." Emil smiles at Mena charmingly and she giggles her Spanish head off. 

I open the passenger seat of the SUV and climb in, wanting nothing to do with the people in this car. Tiredness taking over my body, it was easy to pass out for a minute and block out Mena's laughing. Coca is quiet in the back. I think she's fallen asleep too.  

We pull up to the Hilton's and sure enough there is a Holiday Inn a few hotels down. 

We all get out the car and Emil and Mena begin speaking Spanish. They walk hand in hand. His voice is a whispering coo. She responds with a low tone. 

"Aight, goodnight girls." I say as I shut the cab door. I walk towards the hotel entrance and for a minute it is quiet and I am alone. I check in with no signs of Emil and Coca-Yeena. But then as I head to the elevator, I hear heels clacking behind me. Two pairs of them. 

Emil and I were sharing a room because this trip was just us. I should have known better than this. I didn't protest because our flight was early the next morning. Sharing a room for 5 hours, didn't seem like it would be a bother. But this was definitely an inconvenience. 

The elevator doors opens, I hit 5th floor and then I poke at the button to close the door. It shuts before they can turn the corner. I swipe in, open the door and let it shut behind me. 

The room was larger than most hotel rooms I've been in and the bed was quite big. Emil would have to roll over twice to make any contact with me while sleeping. A couch sat to the far right of the room. Hotel staff told me that pulls out into a bed also. Can't let Emil know that or I'm sure he would sleep on it with Mena. My phone begins ringing. I don't look at it or answer. 

I drop my bags, take off my shoes and pull my shirt over my head. My phone begins dinging with text messages. 

I pull it from my pocket and read them quickly already knowing. 

Emil's name was replaced by the shit emoji, so shit emojis decorate my screen. 

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