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" Oh just fucking kiss me already

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" Oh just fucking kiss me already."

*one week later*

A gentle breeze blew through the summer skies of Queens that evening, which stirred up a large crowd of sweaty New Yorkers shaking out their picnic blankets and took this weather to their advantage by watching the sunset in the park.

Rowan did the same; enjoy the sunset, that is. Except, she didn't follow the bandwagon. Instead, using her abilities, delicately floated to the top of the tallest apartment building in Queens and set up camp on the ledge. With her bare legs dangling over the tan complex, letting the cool wind soothe her sweaty limbs, she watched. She watched the glowing sun subdue into the horizon, Mother Nature thanking us for our cooperation with this heat by painting a picture of orange and pink in her sky.

Marveling at the scene, she couldn't help but think back on the times as a kid where Steve would take her out to the park just before sundown every Saturday. A picnic consisting of peanut butter and jelly and juice boxes were key to their tradition and she remembered he would split his sandwich in half with her, offering her the bigger half.

As the sun set deeper, another canvas of bright orange with a hint of pink appearing, she smiled as Steve's voice came into mind;
"The sunset is your mom's way of showing her how proud she is of you, Row-" he'd say, "she painted your two favorite colors together just for you."

Too deep in thought, Rowan failed to notice the boy who took a seat beside her. Peter hadn't been there for long, only a couple of minutes, but he was there long enough to notice the beautiful smile that upturned her plump lips. It was then he realized how much he missed her-her gorgeous face, her breathtaking smile and her laugh (Peter's personal favorite).

"Whatcha smiling at?"

The voice causes Rowan to yelp, jumping ten feet in the air and almost sending her over the edge. With wide eyes, the brunette turns towards Peter who chuckles at her reaction.

"Spidey?!" Rowan cries breathlessly, "What-what are you doing here?"

"Well first, this is my apartment building-" he starts with a breathy laugh, "and second, I could ask you the same thing. You stalking me, Stark?"

The girl scoffs, "please. Everyone in New York knows this is the best spot for avid sunset-watchers."

"Are you apart of some avid sunset-watchers club or..."

"Oh yeah, totally-" she replies sarcastically, a small smirk tugging at the corners of her lips, "I'm the president as you can see-" she extends her arm, gesturing towards the invisible members of her fake club, "my members think highly of me because I know of the best spots in New York."

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