Chapter one

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           It was a cold snowy day out side....Well that was normal for you being a elf.No one knew  about your existence at all.You might be asking how is that possible well only the princess knew about you.She accidentally stubble to your home.Very deep in the mountains.Why would she be there well she heard the legends about the elf's and wanted to see if it was true.You being the best at daggers and magic became a champion.You were  terrified out of you mind.Fun right you had to go from no one knowing about you to everyone knowing you.You have a cloak with the sheikah symbol the cloak dragged against the ground.You have a navy blue shirt and black shorts.

         You were on your way to the castle to do the ceremony of appointment.(You don't have your cloak yet)It was just about to become dark when you ran into the castle and to Zelda's room.You open and slam the door behind you and fall against the door and sit on the ground.Zelda starts to giggle at you and just look at her. "Oi what so funny?"you say with a slight attitude "It was funny how you came in." You glare daggers at her (haha) "Well since your the frist here you get yours first.You raise your eye brows as she turns around to get something.When she t urn around she Neills down to give you a perfectly folded thing that you gently grab and unfold it to see a Beautiful cloak.You gasp and clip it on immediately once you hear the button snap you stand up and spin around. "A big heavy but it awesome!" You think.You look at Zelda who seems waiting for a answer. "it's beautiful Zelda I love it." Smiling at your Come over and sit on her bed after Getting tired of standing. 

     ~~~~~~~~~~ three hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

            You stand in a semi-circle waiting for it to be over so then peoples eyes stop staring at you.As soon as it is over you run out to the garden and sit under a cover place thingy.(the place they all talk a photo after the ceremony)A few minutes later Mipha come and sits next to you. You turn your head to her watching her closely. She moves her head towards you and gave you a reassuring smile You smile back not knowing what to do. "Hello my name is Mipha what is yours" she said in a soft voice. " o-oh hi m-my name I-is Y/n." You say stumbling with your words one by one the champions come and introduce them self.But the bird caught your attention he look quite cute you thought.Witch made you blush more and pull the hood of your cloak over your head.  

         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ time skip to dinner because Of y/n lack of people skills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

           You sat down for dinner in witch was f/f your favorite you silently cheer for your self.You are mostly quietly and some small talk here and there. "Hey y/n where do you live?"Revali asks "Ummm deep in the mountains near you."you say very quietly trying no to be weird.He raise his eye brow "How do know why I live."He ask rudely you turn bright red "Well I can see you all from where I live."you say so quietly that only Zelda heard and repeated for you. How come you have been hidden for so long "Durak said loudly witch scared you to death and making you jump off your seat. Urbosa  laughs at you. You  excuse your self and head to your room and get undressed and take and bath.You wash up and put some navy blue sleep dress.As soon as your head hits the pillow you fall asleep no aware that some one os watching you.

——————- end ———————————-

Total word 630 

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