"How many people do you have on this vigilante team of yours? What's his role in this?" She pointed to John. "What's her role in this?" She sneered my way.

     "Well, actually, my role is to hack computer systems and the city's grid of stoplights to make a getaway easier for John and Oliver. John's role is to help Oliver train and he goes out in missions with Oliver on occasion. How do you know what's down here and how did you get past my security system?"

          Laurel turned to me, wide eyed and her mouth dropped. I admittedly said that a little bit harsher than I wanted and a little bit more full of confidence then I had at they moment. "So you help him kill people? Do you let him use you as practice?"

     "If you're going to be mean and accuse people of unnecessary things then you need to leave." I glared at her.

     "Are you going to tell me that you approve of Oliver killing people? You approve of him bring this monster that the cops are chasing?"

     "Monster?" I growled and took a step forward. "Oliver is no monster. The monsters are the police who shoot at him every chance they get and the evil people trying to overrun the city that Oliver goes about catching for your father and the police force, even though they shoot at him! He had to kill people in defense of his life, and yes maybe at times it was unjustified, but he had a very good reason for those things! Don't come in here and assume you know everything based off what you see and think you already know." I took a deep breath and stalked away.

          Outside it was cold and the wind was brutal. It calmed me and instantly I felt childish for my outburst. Laurel was right to have her own opinions of the Hood, she just has the wrong insight.

     "I'm being biased. I've liked the Hood since he showed up in my living room." I mumbled to myself. I wrapped my arms around myself to try to stay warm and started walking. Verdant isn't in the best of locations but it was still early. The sky was dark blue and tinged with pink and orange at the edges of the horizon. A few blocks away I heard footsteps behind me. Running. I quickened my pace and turned the corner and someone grabbed me from the shadows. Just before I could scream a hand wad over my mouth and I jerked up my knee and it connected. A grunt was all I heard and the person held on to me tighter. My back pressed against this person's chest and their arms wrapped securely around my mother and stomach.

     "Where did the blonde go? She was just here?" A man said as he stopped running. Another man stopped next to him.

     "I don't know. Maybe she's quicker in those heels then we thought."

     "Mr. Wilson isn't going to like this."

     "Maybe we should just keep looking. You go that way and I'll double around. She couldn't have gotten far."

     "Slade Wilson is out to get everyone I've ever cared for and people I care for now." Oliver whispered. I felt his lips brush against my ear and I shivered. Not from the cold either. "Don't walk off alone again. I don't want to tear this city apart looking for you if I can keep you safe."

          All I could do was nod. I turned around to face him and expected to see him dressed as the Hood, but Oliver stood behind me. As Oliver. "I won't." I said when his hand went from my mouth to my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. Even though I wanted nothing more than to kiss him and feel the heat from his body bring soaked up by mine.

          We walked back to the club and I asked, "What happened to Laurel?"

     "Right after you left she asked me if we were sleeping together and I told her no. She told me that someone who would jump to my defense the way you is more than just my secretary."

     "What did you tell her?"

     "I told her that you are more than just my secretary. You're my friend. You're my partner."

          I smiled up at him and he smiled back. Just outside the back entrance to the club Oliver stopped me. I looked around, my senses on overdrive and he chuckled quietly.

     "What are you laughing at? I just had two grown men chasing after me."

     "I stopped you because I wanted to do something, not because there's danger."

     "Oh, well what did you want to do? Hurry its cold and I want to go inside where it's warm."

          Oliver pushed me against the wall and pressed himself to me. Before I could speak he pressed his lips to mine and kissed me. He opened my mouth with his and his tongue teased mine. Heat soared through my body and I twisted my hands in his shirt and pulled him closer. In the few seconds the kiss lasted I gave myself over to him completely. When he came to his senses, which was way before I wanted him too, he pulled away.

     "Now more than ever we can't do that. I need to keep you safe. You are a part of- of this team, a part me and I can't lose you. I just didn't. . . I didn't want to go for however long it will take to resolve this without feeling that again."

     "Feeling what?"

     "Feeling you." He said and then opened the club's backdoor and ushered me into the darkness. He locked the door behind us and disappeared. I leaned against the wall and pressed a palm to my forehead and my other hand over my heart and tried to calm my erratically beating heart before I went back downstairs. 

     "I can't tell her how I feel." I growled at Diggle.

     "And why's that? Because the Hood isn't supposed to have a weakness? Well I'm sorry to break it to you but if people are chasing after her already, they know. She is obviously in love with you, Oliver. And you are so obviously in love with her. It's like the only people who can't see it are you two."

     "I can't stand the thought of someone hurting her to get to me."

     "What if it was Laurel? Or Thia? Or hell, what if someone came after me to hurt you, how would you react?"

     "I would come after you. I would find you and save you."

     "And if Felicity was taken?"

     "I would destroy the city and everyone in my way until I found her." I whispered and looked from my hands to Diggle. "I love Felicity, I just can't sacrifice everything we've been doing and putting her in any more danger than she is in now to try and have a normal life."

     "And you'll be sick when she finds someone who will give her the time of day."

          He's right. But then again, Diggle is always right.

It's not as long as I had thought, but I wanted to upload it anyway. Enjoy!

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