Chapter 12

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Hermione's P.O.V
I woke up to see myself next to Ron, snoring quietly. I kiss him lightly  in the lips and I see his eyes flutter open, "good morning" He says kissing me "good morning." We both took a shower and got changed, after that I go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and Ron went to the kids room to wake Rose and Hugo. In about 30 minutes breakfast was ready and the kids were awake "breakfast is ready!" I call them from the family room. The 3 of them went rushing in the kitchen and sat down at the small table that was near the kitchen. I set the plates of pancakes, eggs, and bacon in front of them, "thanks mummy. " Rose and Hugo said "your welcome." I say kissing both of them in the top of their heads. "Are we going to stay here for the whole day again mummy?" Rose asked me, "no. We're going down stairs to the family in about 20 minutes." I say to them and the 3 of them released a sigh of disagree, "and since we only have 20 minutes left we better hurry up." I say "but do you really need to be early?" Ron says "Ron, you know I don't like to be late at events," I say "even the kind of events I don't like. Like this one." I continue "okay." Ron says, smiling, I smile back at him, the kids were finished eating and we got dressed in more formal outfits, we said bye to Ron and we headed down to the function room where I see my "family" And the three of us sit down next to mum and dad "hey mum. Hey dad." I greet them "hi sweetie." They both say. "Where's aunt Emily?" I ask mum "probably still in her room putting as much make-up as possible." I chuckle, "how about the 3 gits?" I say, referring to Amy, Michelle, and Gorgina. "Same as your aunt." I laugh quietly. After for about 25 more minutes the 4 of them came in with their husbands and Gorgina and Michelles mothers, "sorry were late. We had.. Um.. A bit of problems with the shower." My 'aunt' Emily said, lying. The 9 of them sit down and there were a few announcements but I just talked to aunt Jessica and Rose and Hugo just played with Mia and Mark. Then suddenly aunt Emily started tapping her wine glass and got all of our attention, "so as all of you know, tomorrow will be the ball and our last day of the reunion," Thank god for that i say to myself  "so today we will be going to the mall to get dresses, tuxedos, and accessories for tomorrow." She said "so let us all get ready for later. We will be leaving at 11:00 am. And that will leave you with 30 minutes to get ready." And with that she finally finishes, I see Mia smirking at me and I chuckle. We head back to the penthouse and I get my stuff ready as well as the kids. I double check everything and I go to the family room to see Rose and Hugo all dressed up and ready, "Rose, Hugo, let's go?" They both nod "okay then say goodbye to daddy then we go." "Okay." The both of them say "bye daddy." Both of them hug Ron and Ron kisses the two of them in the cheek the three of them come close to me, "bye Ron." I say kissing him on the cheek and I put Hugo in his stroller, "we'll be back by 3:00 p.m." I say "okay." We leave the penthouse and we head to the lobby and we sit down beside aunt Jessica's family and the kids play with, again, Mia and Mark. After about a minute or two my mum and dad was there "where's your aunt?" Dad asked me "still in her room." He shakes his head "do you ever wonder if she's ever thinking?" Mum said "I mean she is the one that does all of these events and she is always the late one." Me, aunt Jessica, and uncle Matt laugh, "true." I say, and for about 20 minutes of talking they finally show up. "Well let's go then shall we?" She said, "c'mon kids let's go." We go to the parking lot, hop into our car, and we drove to the mall. "Rosie do you want some juice?" I ask her and she nods "do you want some too Hugo?" Not looking away from the road and he nods I give both of them the juice I packed and both of them take it from me, gladly, "thank you, mummy." Rose and Hugo said "you're welcome" After about 10 minutes of driving we were at the mall. "So, kids where do you guys want to go?" I ask them they look around and at the same time they spot a ice cream parlor, well it's actually a gelato one, "ice cream!" Both of them say at the same time, "okay then. C'mon let's go." I got them some gelato and we sat down in one of the tables and I see mum, dad, aunt Jessica, uncle Matt, Mark, and Mia coming towards us "hi, sweetheart, why aren't you buying clothes?" Mum asks me "hey mum, me and Rose already have dresses and Hugo already has his tux at the penthouse so we really dont have to shop for anything." I say "and talking about clothes, do you guys already have yours?"          "Not yet, we're still looking." Mum said. "Well, since you guys don't have your clothes yet, I suppose we can go shopping now. And I know the perfect place. And it's my treat." I say. "Are you sure, Hermione?" Aunt Jessica said "yep." After the kids finished their gelato we went to the Dolce & Gabbana shop. "Oh my goodness Hermione, are you sure about this?" Mia asks me "yes, I am. And don't forget it's my treat so get anything you want." I say smiling "okay then." And the 6 of them went inside and got their stuff, all of us were looking around the shop, when I see Amy, Michelle, Gorgina, and their parents coming towards us and when they came close to us all of us stopped looking for clothes and stared at all of them "hey Mia how can you be here? You can't even afford these...." Amy said "well I have you know that Hermione is paying for our clothes." Mia responded "beaver is paying for these? As if." Gorgina said "it's true. And my name is Hermione, not 'beaver'" I say to her "then why aren't you buying us clothes? Why only them?" Michelle asked me "because they're family, not crap like you." I say "Rose, Hugo don't say that word." I say quickly, turning my head and Rose and Hugo nod,  "good." All of us turn around leaving their faces with shock "lets go girls." Aunt Emily said "we're not spending our time for her." And they all leave the shop. "That was awesome!" Mia whispers in my ear and I chuckle, "that was nothing compared for tomorrow." Me and Mia smirk after about 30 minutes or so We were done. We went to the Louis Vuitton shop next and we also took about 30 minutes to get our new accessories. And we were done. "Thanks Hermione!" They all say hugging me, "oh you guys you don't have to thank me for anything." I say smiling, they smile back "well we should be going then Rose is getting a bit tired and Hugo's already asleep so we're going back to the hotel." I say, "yeah I think we're going too." Uncle Matt said we headed back to the hotel and for the whole car ride Rose and Hugo were asleep, 10 minutes went by and we were At the hotel "Rose, Hugo, were at the hotel now." I say shaking them slightly both of their eyes flutter open, "you can sleep when we go to you rooms." I say to them "I carry Hugo and I held Rose's hand we went to the penthouse. I ring the door bell and Ron answers it, taking Hugo from my arms and takes him to his room. I go with Rose and I put her to bed I kiss her forehead and I turn the lights off and close the door a few seconds later Ron came out of Hugo's room, "so, how was the trip to the mall?" Ron asked me "fine." He nods, "I can't wait for tomorrow..." I say and we both smile evilly "I'm so excited to see their faces tomorrow....!" Ron laughs
(Fast forward to 9:00 pm. I'm having a writers block)
"C'mon kids let's get ready for bed. It's getting late." Ron said "okay, daddy." Rose and Hugo said, "night mummy." Both of them say kissing me in the cheek "night, Rosie." I say kissing her forehead "night, Hugo." I say kissing him in the forehead too. The 3 of them went to their bedrooms and I went to ours I reach for my book and start reading a few minutes went by and Ron came in the room I put down my book, say good night, and went to bed.

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