Chapter Eight: Writing Helps ¤\( '⌂' )/¤

Start from the beginning

The next day; she stayed indoors. Laying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling.

“I want to do something, but I don’t want to get up,” she groaned silently.

‘What to do…?’ she thought.

She instinctively turned her head to the side; to see her Diary sitting silently on her desk by her bed.

She sighed, ‘Hey…I haven’t written in that in a while…’ her eyes widened, and she grinned; an idea coming into mind. She quickly sat up; getting kind of dizzy in the process. She picked up the old-fashioned, feathery pen and the ‘journal’ that she has claimed as her ‘Diary’.

‘She could write anything in here,’ she thought as she ran her fair hand over the cover. ‘The townspeople are nice enough to give me my privacy.’

And with that, she opened to the third page of the book and thought about where she could start at.

‘Hmm…’ she contemplated.

An idea flashed in her mind, and she put her pen at the heading of the page.

Summer 14. Year 1.


Today has been quite…unadventurous. And as of now, I am still wondering what my past was like…that was a random thought.

She wanted to scratch that part out—so she did.

Summer 14. Year 1.

Today has been quite…unadventurous. And as of now, I am still wondering what my past was like…that was a random thought. (Scratch that)

I have met such nice people…even though I may not want to admit it; but I ‘do’ have favorites. (1.) Vishnal: we haven’t known each other very long…and yet I feel like I am developing deep, deep feelings for him. Feelings that I’m so frightened to admit…

And (2.)…Dylas *Cringe* he may be a pain in the ass with how he treats me, but at the same time, he’s really friendly and always seem to know the right way in making me feel better. I haven’t developed any of those ‘sweet, deep’ feelings for him, at all. I don’t even know if he considers me a friend. But I hope he knows that I do. :D


Me and Vishnal dated *squeal* yeah, not that exciting. He was…quite obsessive; and not in the cute way. The scary and annoying way. And now that I have ended things with him…he has weirdly changed back to his old, goofy yet serious and charming ways. I’m maybe thinking that we should continue to stay as friends? I dunno.

Enough about my ‘Guy Life’…but we have been(Scratch that), I have been fighting these ‘Bosses’ that later turn into humans. Oddly enough, even though I have been continuing to do it; I still don’t know what the cause behind it is, but we’ll find out soon enough. I hope.

But sadly other than that, nothing is happening. (Scratch that)

Very, very recently, I have begun ‘Flexibility training’ with madam Pia. Yea, we’re friends and she’s super adorable and kind. But when she began her teaching…D: I wanted to so badly strangle her, is that wrong? Well anyways, I’m still sore from yesterday’s task. I swear if she made me work today, I would’ve quit—having to learn flexibility can’t be worth that much shit—but she gave me  a break today, which is why I chose to write in you; fill you in on things that’s happening.


                                                                        And Sincerely,


                                                                                    Kyo—Frey, The ‘Savior’


She sighed happily once she signed her name at the bottom. She quietly placed it back on her desk.

“Kyo?” someone said at her door.

She looked up and smiled, “Margaret, hey.”

She returned the smile, “Hey to you too. I heard you were staying in all day.”

“Where’d you hear that?”

She waved my question away, “Everyone sort of assumed it since you haven’t come out yet.”

She sagged back down in the bed, “Oh—sorry about that. I’m just tired from yesterday.”

Margaret nodded in understanding. “Well…since you’re ‘off’ today…” she began. “I wanted to invite you to a slumber party I’m hosting…do you want to attend it?” she asked gently, “unless you’re too sore..” she exclaimed.

Kyo happily shook her head, “No, it’s okay, I’ll go.”

Margaret nodded, “Great, I’ll tell the girls.”



“Are…” she blushed, “are any of the guys gonna attend too?”

Margaret looked baffled, “Of course not, this is for girls only, guys are having their own ‘slumber party’,” she winked, then left.

Kyo sighed, “Can’t wait for tonight then.”

I’ve been having terrible Writer’s Block lately. I know what I want to write, but I can’t really…put it down.

Anyways, for any of my readers who actually do read my work and has heard or played the game. After the next chapter, which will be about the ‘slumber party’ Kyo/Vishnal POV, does anyone have any suggestions for what I should make it about?

I would make it more about Pia’s training, but I don’t know what to write for it yet.

If anyone does make a suggestion though, I could just make it into another filler chapter.

Piece, meh lovelies :D--::Closeted_Weirdo::

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