Mermaid Tale:♫

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This is something I found over the internet that I found somewhat...interesting?

“For whatever we lose (like a you or a me),

It's always our self we find in the sea.” 


There are a few women who were once mermaids in other lifetimes. They have since acquired human souls under various circumstances and now incarnate as human beings. I have interviewed three such women.

          There are very rare instances of a mermaid entering a human child at birth. Though in human form, she still embodies her mermaid soul. Unlike a human being, her soul does change in any significant way. In effect, even as a child she has the same astral body she has as an adult. We could call such a woman changelings. I have interviewed two of these women.

          There are also women who have no connections to the realm of mermaids. But they have the auras of mermaids. They reflect in themselves some aspect of water in nature—a waterfall, some quality of the sea, a lake, a stream, an arctic bay, and so on. About one in four thousand women has the aura of a mermaid. That is, the element of water as found in nature is the dominant quality in this individual’s aura.

          Women who were once mermaids and women with strong water in their auras tend to share certain traits in common. These traits or qualities may vary in strength and intensity. An individual woman may not have all of them, but usually she will have enough of these traits to distinguish her from other women.

          A mermaid woman’s astral body, then, is analogous to water in nature. She knows how to let go. She feels pure. She has a primordial innocence. She freely gives of herself. She feels that life involves a continual exchange of energy with others. And her connection to water produces highly developed feelings of peace, happiness, contentment, vivaciousness, empathy, and the desire to heal and benefit others.

          This is not an idea or mental perspective. She actually perceives peace and love as energies that continuously flow between her and others. Being in the moment and exchanging energy with others is the essence of being alive.

          There are of course women who have psychic contact with the realm of mermaids—they see them, talk to them, and feel them. But these women do not identify with water and so do not embody water’s distinguishing qualities. For myself, I can interview spirits quite easily. This, however, does not mean I embody any of their qualities within myself. It often takes a great effort to change one’s own nature. My writings are designed to make the realm of mermaids and undines more accessible to our world.

Traits of Mermaid Women


Mermaid women feel they are a part of nature. They have a nonhuman identity. Some aspect or element of nature is alive within them, and that is who they sense they really are. 

          Among other things, this allows them to accept the world as it is. Some perceive the world as being richly satisfying and fulfilling. And yet this evaluation is not based on the extent to which their personal needs are being satisfied.

          They are not greedy. They are not driven to possess whatever they can in order to ensure their own security. They intuitively experience themselves as already part of the richness of life. They experience the abundant energies of life flowing directly through their own bodies.

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