Chapter Seven: Training Flexibilty❦

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Chapter Seven: Training Flexibility

“Flexibility is a requirement for survival.” 


Forte scowled, “You have saved this town many, many times, and yet; your posture is terrible.” She shook her head.

Kyo sighed, “I’m sorry. I fight with weapons. I never thought I’d need to be—“


Kyo nodded.

“Flexibility is one of the main ‘Arts in Fighting’! What is wrong with you?” Forte scowled—again.

“I’m sorry—“

“Enough with the apologies, Frey,” Forte said gently. She sighed, “Come on, I’ll show you to the one person that taught me all about ‘flexibility’.” She winked.

“Hm? Okay.”

Pia taught you all you know about flexibility?!” Kyo asked, dumbfounded.

Forte gave her a ‘duh’ look, “Well, yea.” She said, “You know she’s a mermaid right? Meaning she…knows how to be fluid and move gracefully with the currents of the water…” she said slowly.

‘Ah, yea, that does make sense, now that I think about it.’

“If you know how to ‘move your body’, well, you can do so much more, you know?” Forte continued.


“Oh, dancing right?” Kyo said.

Forte nodded, “And dancing is one of the best things you can do—especially if you know how to do it, ya?”

Kyo nodded. “You’re right, dancing’s beautiful.”

“Indeed, it is,” Forte sighed, “but she chose singing over dancing—she’s great at it too, but…I’m more of a dancing person? I guess. I just love it when people know how to move their body—it’s so beautiful and…majestic; two things I absolutely Love.”

Kyo laughed, “So, do you have some sort of “Woman Crush’ on Pia?” she teased.

Forte glanced at her, “I guess you can say that.”

Kyo laughed, “That’s so—cayute!”

Forte blushed, “Quiet—!”

“Kyo? Forte? What are you doing here?”

“Ah, Pia,” Forte greeted.

Kyo noticed a shade of admiration on her face and chuckled.

Forte scowled at her, “Anyways, Um…Kyo here wanted to know if you could…show her how to be flexible?”

Pia frowned, turning her attention to Kyo.

“Hey there,” Kyo greeted awkwardly.

Pia continued to frown. “You’re not flexible?” she asked slowly.

Kyo shook her head.

“But it’s the key to survival!” Pia exaggerated.

“See?” Forte said, smug.

Kyo rolled her eyes, “Sorry, but—people sort of—I dunno, rushed me to fight? So I couldn’t train or learn it.”

Pia sighed and leaned against the doorframe of the Bathhouse. “I guess you’re right. I’ll teach you.”

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