"Dressed like an assassin?"

"Oh," I looked down at my outfit, "this is just my mood today, feeling kind of blah." I said.

"Why didn't I get an invite to the mall?" He quizzed.

"Because baby, I'm going with Mo, and I'm sure you don't want to be in Bath and Body Works all day or Victoria's Secret." I knew that would get him.

"Have a good time." He kissed me on the lips before grabbing a handful of my ass. "Damn this baby making you thick." He smirked.

"-er. Making me thick-er." I emphasized.

The horn sounded outside meaning Mo was here, I kissed Trey one last time before running downstairs, grabbing the folder and rushing out the door.

"Damn slow down, we'll get there. Did you call her and tell her you were coming?" Mo asked as she turned off my street.

"Hell nah, we poppin' up on that ass! Ain't no warnings bih!" We laughed a little before we let the music take over until we got there.

"Hey we're here to see Marlene White."

"Okay let me ring her."

"Oh no that won't be necessary, see this is her daughter, we're surprising her. She hasn't seen her in 12 years." I said grabbing Mo's arm.

"Ohhh, that's so nice! She's going to be ecstatic."

"I know, she might die." Mo chimed in with a small laugh.

We got our visitors badges and walked down the hall, making our way to her room door.

From the outside we could hear her laughing and talking, so I cracked the door open a little a peeked inside.

When I realized she was on the phone, I looked at Mo and waved her to follow me inside.

She was faced towards her room window, so she didn't see us come in. I walked up behind her, snatching the phone off her ear and hanging it up.

"W-what the?" She turned around and looked at me like she was confused.

"Wasn't expecting me were you?" I smirked.

Mo walked back to the door and locked it before joining us back by the bed.

"No I wasn't expecting you, what's going on?" She tried to stand but I pushed her back onto the bed.

"Don't talk unless I tell you to, don't move unless I tell you to."

"And if you even think about calling somebody, I'm gone bust a cap in your ass before anybody can get through that door." Mo added.

Marlene nodded her head, while I stared at her thinking about where I wanted to start.

"While Gerald was in prison, you had a lot of time on your hands, correct?"

"Well, yes I did."

"Mhm, and in that time, were you communicating with Gerald?" I sat down in the chair in front of her.

"Of course, that was my husband." She smartly stated.

I sat up in the chair leaning in closer to her before I punched her in the mouth.

"I didn't ask for all the extra! I asked you a question, a yes or no question. Don't get smart with me Marlene because I have half a mind to grab that pillow behind you and smother you with it."

Marlene sat quiet as she held her now busted lip.

"Back to what I was saying, you communicated with Gerald, and I'm sure he was pissed that he was in prison, and even more pissed that he was in there because of me, right."

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