"I am the guardian of the Sol Emeralds... It is a fate that forces me to live with my curse, my flames... Because of my powers, I have always been alone... It's also why I must do this alone! It is my responsibility!"

Sash Lilac was an orphan all though there is no information about her parents all I know is that her egg got stolen by one the Red Scarves, who raised her from hatching. After some years, she meets Carol and after a brief rivalry, they become best friends. With Carol, she competed in martial arts tournaments for cash prizes on behalf of the Red Scarves, apparently making a significant amount of money from them. It is unknown if this was the extent of her involvement in their activities. What is known, however, is that at some point, gang leader Spade 'crossed a line' that neither Lilac or Carol were willing to go over (hinted to be murder). Feeling the Red Scarves had left them no choice, the two abandoned the gang to go independent. Prior to leaving, an incident occurred between Lilac and Spade, though it is not known if this was linked to Lilac's departure from the gang. What is known is that Lilac feels a degree of guilt about the event, and claims she didn't know what she was doing (a claim that earns her Spade's scorn, hinting that he hasn't forgiven her for the event.) After leaving the gang, both Lilac and Carol became involved in thievery, regularly stealing from the rich during their pilgrimages to the Kingdom Stone. Lilac insist on only stealing from the rich. At some point, she built her own tree house, which would serve as Lilac and Carol's home. By the time Lilac was 15 the energy source of Avalice, the Kingdom Stone, started to fade their strength. With this, an energy crisis started on the three kingdoms, and a war was about to start between them for the last energy within the Stone. While that, a space dreadnought crash landed on Avalice after being attacked above Avalice by the Coalition of Planets. Sooner, Lilac find Torque, one of the Coalition's commanders, being attacked by Shuigang's forces. Selflessly, she rushes out to help Torque. After that, the Kingdom Stone was stolen and Torque's disguise fall and he informs her about Brevon and his plan to steal the Kingdom Stone and double the size of his army and continue his conquest of the universe. Lilac and her friends jumps on this adventure to stop Brevon's plans and retrieve the stone as a neutral party sent by Shang Tu. However, Lilac and her friends were arrested by Shang Tu police after they discover the truth about their past as thieves and members of The Red Scarves, being taken as criminals and spies, not even believing on the evidence brought by Torque, trying to convince Shang Tu about Brevon's invasion. Even escaping right after, Torque was captured by Brevon, and Lilac's friendship with Carol and Milla is put on a test. She went alone to rescue Torque, but she also was captured on her attempt. After that, she was tortured by Brevon to force Torque answer his's questions. Soon, Carol and Milla appear to free Torque and Lilac and escape from Brevon's facility, but they splitted up after escaping, and Lilac was taken back to Shang Tu by their police. She couldn't escape because she was still very weak from the torture. Brought back to Shang Tu, Lilac was informed they examined their evidence, and asked Lilac to make an investigation about another fragment found on Pangu Lagoon that have some kind of connection to their evidence, in exchange of restoring her strength and honor. At the end, it wasn't a fragment, but an entire robot that holds the key to unfold the truth about the dragons that came to Avalice in the past, as well the Kingdom Stone itself. With this new information, it was a priority to stop Brevon's invasion at all costs and retrieve the Kingdom Stone and return it to its place. Soon, Lilac meet back with her friends and they head to Brevon's Dreadnought and kill the power to free the Kingdom Stone. But in the middle of the confusion, Carol and Torque were cornered, and even getting rid of the ambush, Carol had to return back to Avalice with Torque, or she would die. After seeing the scene, Lilac once again run alone to stop Brevon, but she sees Milla very ahead of her. Even running the max she could, she couldn't get there at time to help her to stop Brevon. At the end of the fight, Milla has weakened Brevon and destroyed his Mecha Armor, but then was captured by Brevon, because she wasn't powerful enough to fight him alone. But Lilac finally appeared and in a surprise attack, she freed Milla from Brevon's hands and Unleashed all her rage and power upon Brevon. After the confusion, the dreadnought auto destruct systems was activated, and Lilac escaped from the Dreadnought with Milla, while Brevon escaped heavily injured just like Lilac was after escaping after being tortured, but the Kingdom Stone was shattered with the explosion of the dreadnought. Now in a new form, the Kingdom Stone can be used by everyone in the planet, the Energy Crisis was solved and the war stopped right before really start. Taken as criminals and spies, now Lilac and her friends are taken as heroes.

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