Seduction Pt.2

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(For  this scene this song will be playing in the club XD)

Oh god....Gavin couldn't even watch.

He was so dead....and of course the other's really weren't helping his situation.

First off, Tina was giggling madly while she VIDEOTAPED the goddamn shit whilst Simon and Markus cheered Elijah and Connor on. 

Colin just stood there smiling and watching the encounter, because the possibility of him being murdered was apparently so damn funny.

And the cherry on top? Just as he and Connor started dancing of course fucking Sexy-back by Justin Timberlake was the song that just had to be playing and his cousin was using this as an excuse to get kind of handsy with Connor.

He could already imagine Hank after he see's this video.

Dirty babe, I'll let you whip me if I misbehave-

Welp...he's had a pretty good life...

"Something the matter, Gavin?"

Colin questioned innocently.

"Hell yeah there is! do you not realize that Anderson's gonna kick my ass into next week tomorrow?!"

Colin chuckled and merely pulled Gavin back into him, seemingly to resume their dance from earlier.

"H-Hey Wait!!! For fuck's sake, Colin! It's not like Tina's fucking videotaping or anything!"

Luckily the music started to change at that point but it wasn't much of an improvement...

To my bed by Chris Brown started to play and the crowd around them started to cheer in excitement.

You know what? fuck it.

Gavin wrapped his arm's around Colin's neck, resuming the way they'd been earlier.

Well, if he was gonna die anyway's he might as well say fuck it.

Colin turned him around, grinding his hip's forward before pulling them together.

Close the door and take your clothes off where you are-

He ran his finger's through Colin's hair.

I turn you on cause I love to see you glowin' yeah, I know it's good I can tell by the way you walk-

Colin's grip tightened, pulling Gavin closer if that was even possible.

"Good to your finally starting to relax, Gavin!"

Elijah called, making Gavin roll his eyes and Colin chuckle.

"He doe's have a point. I'm sure Hank know's Connor's independent and able to make decision's for himself."

I pull your clothe's cause I love to see you comin' down, Cause the mattress is so far away-

Colin smiled and started to pull Gavin back towards the table which was now covered in the other's belonging's.

(Tina's and North's purses and everyone's jacket's, etc.)

"Why don't you take a break? I'm sure Connor will be fine."

Colin reassured.

"I don't know, knowing Elijah-"

"Connor could take him."

Gavin said nothing when Colin massaged his hand with his own, Gazing at Gavin, his appearance appearing all the more erotic by the lighting of the club and the music playing in the background.

And my clock is watching, ain't no time to waste, Since my hand's already on your waist-

Colin squeezed Gavin's hand tightly before leaning in and kissing him hungrily.

Gavin kissed back eagerly before Colin pulled away, leaving him in a haze.

"Do you want to go?"

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