Chapter 4

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It has been a day since Akira and Takanori confessed their love towards each other. Well, Takanori didn't really say anything. Mostly it was Akira. Akira confessed his love for Takanori. Taka woke up from a nights sleep and noticed the rain pouring outside and the thunder booming.

That kiss....

Takanori thought. The kiss that him and Akira had last night at 2 in the morning. Did it give Takanori a feeling?

He stood up and grabbed his personals so he could get on the shower. After the shower, he went back to his dorm room. His roommate still asleep. He went in his wardrobe and put on a pair of orange underwear, a pair of his red skin tight jeans with two straps he hooked onto the belt loops, and a long sleeved black silk button down shirt. He put his straps on his shoulders as they crossed on his back. He buttoned the arm cuffs and began to style his hair. His blonde is fading away a little, but it's still showing.

He then applied a bit of eyeliner and put on Chapstick. Then, sprayed perfume on his body. He tucked his shirt in his pants. The jeans complimented his lower body and his shirt really brought out his outfit. He put on a pair of black knee boots.

Akira woke up and his eyes went straight to Takanori. "Daaaammmmnnn.... Are you about to go to a party or something? Your outfit is... phew." Akira's roommate was quite sexy today. He started to get hot.

"No... I wanted to wear this." Takanori turned back to the mirror to fix more to his hair. Akira stared at that a** of Takanori. It all showed. Takanori's true body shape. It all caught Akira's attention.

"Oh... me likey." Akira stood up and stretched. He grabbed his towel to get in the shower. Takanori finished his hair and sat on his bed. He grabbed his iPhone and took a picture of himself. He made a smile and lined his index index finger under his nose like a mustache finger and shot the picture. Akira walked in the room.

"You interrupted my selfie...." Takanori said and smirked. Akira rolled his eyes and put on his boxers, a pair of sweat pants, and a tank top with a jean jacket.

"Can me and you take a selfie?" Akira asked. Takanori shrugged and pat the comforters for Akira to sit next to him. Akira wrapped his bare arms around his tiny roommate's shoulders and made a small smile. Takanori smiled sweetly and shot the picture. After the pic was shot, Akira ruffled Takanori's hair and stood up.

"Hey! I just fixed my hair!" He whined.

"C'mon. Let's go get breakfast. And today is an off campus day. Me, you, and the guys can go to that restaurant you were talking about." Akira smirked.

"Yay! Let's get breakfast." They both left the room and walked down the halls to go down the stairs and out of the dormitory building. They walked down the campus to get to the cafeteria. Yuu and Kouyou stopped in front of the two.

"Sup Akira. And hello Takanori!" Yuu smiled seductively at Takanori. "What's up with the umm.... glamour..." Yuu looked up and down at the shorter male.

"He just decided to where this. And Today is an off campus day. We can go to a restaurant that Taka mentioned to me the other day." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Restaurant. I would love to go!" Yutaka somehow appeared on a bench crossed legged reading a Shounen Jump magazine. Everyone looked at Yutaka. "What?" His innocent eyes looked at everyone.

Takanori had his arms crossed and continued walking to the cafeteria. Was he still thinking about that kiss? Well probably if he was walking by himself to the cafeteria. But he wasn't alone too long as Akira tagged along. He wrapped his arms around the smaller one's shoulders.

"Whatcha thinkin' about Taka?" Akira asked. A sigh from Takanori.

"Last night." Akira stopped walking. Takanori stopped also.

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