What Type Of Kisser Is He?

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~Sky Link~


You are ALWAYS the one to kiss first! It's not that she doesn't want to kiss you, he's just very shy about it. Whenever you kiss him he does kiss back, however, he does it so softly and hesitantly its hard to notice but you've grown accustomed to this and love him for it.

~Kid OOT Link~


He's only given you kisses on the cheek, but you can still feel all of his love pouring into your young heart. He always gently takes you cheek into his hand then kiss the other gently and you adore it.

~Teen OOT Link~


Just like when he was younger he is very loving with anything he does, but when you two had your first kiss he poured every once of love and compassion he could into it taking your breath away. Even a simple little peck has so much love in it you can't help but to melt into his touch.

~TP Link~


This one is interesting, he loves to be playful it's in his nature! So whenever he kisses you he HAS to be playful about it! He sometimes nibbles your lip or suck on your lower lip but he always does it with a smirk and a chuckle. Though you'll scold him for it you can't help but laugh about it, you love your playful love.

~Green Link~


Green here has never been the best when it came to his feelings, he usually just shoves them to the side, but with you he tries his best. When you two kiss you always seem to start it because he isn't sure when it's the right time or moment to do something like a kiss. You don't mind though, its fun to surprise him after all!~

~Red Link~


Most of the time his kiss is actually kisses, he will peck your lips, your cheeks, your forehead, hands, shoulders, pretty much anything PG. He does do longer kisses but those are rare, I mean come on! We're talking about Red here of course he's adorable about it!

~Blue Link~


Now don't mistake this as being pervy, he's not. He's just... feely? Ok to explain, when he kisses you he will often gently rub your arm up and down, rub your side up and down, or gently graze his thumb on your hand.

~Vio Link~


Not that much of a surprise, but Vio here does it like any movie of a cute couple would. If you have your head in your lap he will lean down to kiss you. If you two are sharing ice-cream or popsicles and you get a little on your lips he will kiss it and sneakily lick it off. 

~WW Link~


Any time he kisses a sudden wave of pride washes over him. You can't help but to laugh because whenever you two kiss he "sneakily" fist bumps the air with the proudest smile, its so sweet!

(ouch that one is a bit short, sorry)

~Dark Link~ 


Ever since your first kiss with him, he's adored kissing you, any physical contact with you send his heart to the heavens. You always know when he wants a kiss, he has that certain look in his eyes, almost a begging look. He's always gentle about it but that doesn't mean he doesn't do it with passion, he does with lots of passion it surprises you he had no clue how to do it before.


Umm... Ok what's the word...? Passingoutly? Erm... Ok let me explain

Ravio and you don't kiss often, not that you don't want to but... The first time you two did he kinda passed out... You felt terrible so now your a bit more careful about something like that.

~Shadow Link~

Lovingly/Proudly/Romanticly?? (he's a huge mix sorry X,D)

Shadow is more romantic then you'd think. He's not on Vio's level but more of a WW Link and Vio mix? He's very proud to have you, your everything to him after all, but that doesn't mean he can't be the romantic type. When you two had your first kiss he was very sweet about it, a cute but meaningful kiss, but now he can be very loving or romantic about it. You never know what he's going to do next!

~BOTW Link~


Surprised? Well he knows that your very shy about your feelings so he doesn't push something like a kiss on you, the most he does and give you a quick peck on the cheek but that's about it. However, one night you spent the night you had a nightmare, of course he ran to your side to comfort you. The only thing that could calm you down however was him to gently kiss you, and to his surprise you melted into his touch! Now he knows there are times where your ok with it but not all the time but he doesn't mind.

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