“…I’d rather you came with me, as backup. Besides, don’t you want to find Kakashi?”

“…Yes… Let’s go before I change my mind,” I muttered, pushing her in.


Akina led the way down the corridor, laying a hand on the wall carefully to guide herself. She stopped a short while later.

“Hang on…I can feel bars… Like a cage…” A greenish light suddenly flared into existence from her palm.

“Cool,” I commented, looking around. “Duck!” I gasped, shoving her down and deflecting the kunai.

“Ah, crap…See, this is why I didn’t light anything before,” she grumbled, drawing a kunai and flattening herself to the wall.

“Who’s there?” a deep voice called down the corridor.

I easily pin-pointed his location with my ears and flung a few shurikan at him, grabbing Akina and tugging her to a different location.

I concentrated, and I felt my eyes flash as they switched to cat vision.

Akina pointed at her eyes and then cocked her head, asking silently.

I tapped her shoulder, trying to tell her I could see her.

She nodded and then jerked her thumb towards the end of the hall, lifting her other hand in a tiger hand-sign and pointing to herself.

I took her hand, pointing it directly at the frozen man, who thought no one could see him.

She nodded, already signing. There was the faintest rustle, and the man glanced around, but didn’t seem to react otherwise. A moment later, I heard him cry out, and a flash of light blinded us.

“Shit… Wasn’t expecting that,” Akina muttered, her eyes closed tightly. “Move,” she advised, shoving me to one side.

I was completely blind at the moment, so when I landed in something warm and wet, I had to bite my tongue not to screech.

“Stay calm Whisper. I’ll fix your eyes in a minute,” Akina snarled, the sounds of fighting suddenly reaching my ears. “I’m a bit busy.”

I flashed my eyes back to normal, surprising myself that I could slightly see.

Two darker than average patches were fighting in front of me, the one to my left seeming to be doing most of the attacking, although it was from the left that the rusty smell of blood came the strongest.

“Intruders… I must report…” the deep voice from before panted.

“No way,” Akina growled, jumping back to avoid an attack.

The left shadow moved forward to continue his attack, stepping right in front of me.

I grew out my claws, and slashed right through his spinal cord, killing him almost instantly.

I flashed my eyes back, finding I was still blind, but it allowed Akina to find me.

“Thanks for the help… Hold still, this is going to sting a bit,” she informed me, her hands coming to rest over my eyes.

I felt a sting, and she pulled back.

It faded and I could see clearly again. I looked down and shuddered in disgust. I’d landed in a puddle of blood…

I looked up, finding a cell in front of me, where it had leaked from. I nearly choked, scrambling away from the bars.

The body of a woman was slumped against them, her face pale and ghostly in the dim light. A large red slit on her throat announced where the blood had come from.

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now