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Alec fell to the ground for what seemed the hundredth time and this time he didn't bother to get up. Why should he? He didn't want to train, so why was he? He didn't know, his mind was a blur, a blank canvas that was always ignored and never used.

"Alec! C'mon man, get up." Jace walked over to him, not a single sweat broken since Alec never fought back. "Three months, get over it already." Alec didn't answer. "If you keep this up then you really will die in battle, now who in the Angel's name isn't going to care?"

"Magnus. Mum. Dad. Anyone I've cared about."

"Oh thanks. Not me and Izzy? Little max?"

"Max is dead."

"So? He's watching you, what do you think he'll say if you die? He won't be proud now, will he? Izzy will cry, no one wants that. And you know what?" Jace sighed, "I don't want to lose you either. So please.. Just get up."

Alec turned his head to look at Jace, his parabatai's face full of sadness and even pity for him. With a sigh, Alec slowly got to his feet, sides and arms covered in bruises from where Jace had attacked and he hadn't bothered to defend. He lifted his fists and slowly came towards Jace and they began to rotate in a circular fashion. "At least throw a punch or two." Alec's eyes twitched, "something."

"I got up, what more do you WANT?" Alec lurked forward with sudden anger and punched Jace smack in the face, hard enough to make the blonde one stumble.

"That'll do nicely," Jace grinned but Alec's eyes were filled with an unknown rage. He dodged another punch but was sloppy enough to allow Alec to kick his legs from under him, fast. "There we go, your speed is returning."

"Just shut up Jace!" Alec pulled his foot back to kick him but Jace rolled out the way and quickly leaped back onto his feet. "I don't need your pitiful comments." He lunged again, knocking Jace to the ground.

Jace was strong, but no one was a match for an angry Alec, no one but Magnus. He tucked his elbow under. Jace's chin, keeping his head pinned; his free hand taking his wrists and pinning them above his head, sat on his thighs. "Stop. It."

"I haven't said anything!" Alec punched him again without even thinking, he probably didn't know what he was doing and unable to stop. "Alec, quit it!" Another punch. "Quit it!" Jace tried struggling which only made Alec tighten his grip and punch him again. "Time out! Okay, you win." Jace never gave up, but when Alec lifted his arm to punch again he realised Alec probably couldn't even hear him.

He shut his eyes, preparing for another blow when the weight was suddenly lifted off him with a loud screech of surprise and anger. Izzy had come into the room and managed to catch Alec by surprise, pinning his arms behind his back and was pinned to the ground in a flash. "Do the rune Jace!"

Jace nodded and pulled his stele out, scrambling to Alec and drew a rune into his arm that would put him to sleep, right next to the multiple other ones. Alec was shouting numerous profanities that were slowly progressing worse and worse before he had stopped fighting and became unconscious under his sister's body. "That's the second time this week.." Jace sighed, " he's getting worse Izzy.. And thanks for saving me there."

"His strength is phenomenal at times. He's never really used it on me. And if it's because I'm a girl, I'll kill him." Jace rolled his eyes.

"Nah, I always provoke him but then can't take it back."

"When will you learn? " Jace shrugged and picked up Alec under the arms, izzy doing the same with his ankles.

Together they carried Alec back downstairs and into the spare room they used for keeping him in during a tantrum. They tied his wrists and ankles to the bedposts before leaving and locking the door.. Just in case. He had escaped once before but calmed down before he found anyone when they returned from a demon hunt. It was hard without Alec to help, so they had to trust whichever shadowhunter walked through the front door. He never fought anymore, last time they tried he almost got himself killed on purpose, dropping his weapons and letting the demons attack. Jace had killed them all before they could do more than a few scratches, but Jace got off far worse.

"I'm going to break Jace.. It's so damn difficult, he's almost beyond saving now" she sighed heavily, looking upset and frustrated.

"Oh Isabelle, don't give up. We can't, we will keep going until he's better alright? We can't let him die on us. Yeah?"

She paused. Unsure. "Yeah.."


"Delete. Delete. Delete. Hello.. Nope, racist, delete." Magnus sighed, "this is why I don't do online dating, no one is good enough. No one compares to Alexander. Isn't that right Chairman?" The small cat meowed and stretched, arching its back before rubbing his head against Magnus' hand, purring loudly.

Magnus sighed again and got up. "All you ever do is eat.. Kind of like me but I drink instead." He downed his shot of tequila and went through to the kitchen, searching for a new bottle.

"Mrowr!" The chairman jumped off the sofa and followed Magnus through, pawing at the cupboard which held the cat food.

"You ate only an hour ago, I'm not feeding you until it's actually dinner time." Now the cat just whined so Magnus decided to ignore him and make himself a sandwich from the little food left in his cupboards and fridge. He would need to go 'shopping' later, he had quit buying the food and just stealing it by snapping it up instead; Alec would be angry at him for doing so but he wasn't there, so no bother now.

He missed Alec, he missed him more than when the Chairman went missing during when they first met at the party. He wasn't sure he'd missed anyone more, but it was his fault their relationship failed and Magnus wasn't ready to attempt fixing it just yet.

His thoughts were broken with a knock on the door; with a flick of his wrist, it swung open, revealing a distraught Isabelle. "Not you again." Magnus said with a sigh, but inside he found Isabelle a great source on how Alec was, it was only good news once though, when Alec had gone out with Jace and smiled a tiny bit when a duck bit his trouser leg.

"Hello to you too. Seriously, you know why I'm here, but this time it's serious."

"I'm all ears." He said, still making his snack.

"Alec has only gotten worse, twice this week he's had a large tantrum like a child but his violence is so extreme, I don't know a shadowhunter strong enough to fight back, we've had to draw a powerful sleep rune Clary created to make him stop. Look," she tugged up her sleeve, revealing a pale scar, "he scratched me deep, earlier he almost smashed Jace's head in with his fist."

"Not my problem, remember?" Oh Alec.. Magnus thought.

"I know I just.. thought you would want to know.. In case you wanted to talk to him at all."

"Alright, bye bye." Isabelle paused but she turned and left, having given up all hope by now.

When the door shut, Magnus let out a hefty sigh and put his face in his hands, feeling guilty, knowing this was his fault. If it happened again, then he would try to intervene, then he would hear the little shadowhunte out. As long as next time isn't too far..


First chapter, I hope someone reads this :3

If they do, please let me know what you thought in the comments! I'm excited for ths fic, hope you are too. (Feel free to hate if you didn't, I honestly don't mind).

Hopefully see someone soon! ~Fiz

Sick to the Core (Malec/Mortal Instruments fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz