Chapter 2

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I open my eyes to see a guy looking over me with big gorgeous hazel eyes. "Are you okay?" He says

"I think I would be better of you weren't laying on top of me." I say almost out of breath

He laughs. "Oh right. I should get up." He stands up and reaches out his hand

I take his in mine and he pulls me up. "I'm really sorry about that."

"Nah, it's all good. I shouldn't have been sitting there." I say

"Are you sure you're okay." He ask

"Yeah, I'm fine. I would say thank you for caring, but I don't know who I'm thanking."

"Oh, I'm Jc." He says putting out his hand.

I shake his. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sammy."

He pulls his hand away. "Well, sorry again, but I uh I guess I should get going." He says rubbing the back of his neck

"Yeah, I'll see you around." I say

He smiles and walks away. Ally walks up behind me. "Who was that?"

"Jc, he crashed into me." I say

"He's cute. Did you get his number."

"No, should I have?"

"Duh!" She says gesturing with her arms

"Well, my bad. That's the last time I'll probably see him anyway."

She shakes her head in disapproval. "I thought I taught you better."

I roll my eyes. She over reacts to much. I turn my head toward the direction Jc went in. He's talking to another guy. He turns and our eyes make contact. I quickly look away and start to blush. The truth is he was actually really cute. His hazel eyes made me melt and man can he rock a SnapBack, but in all reality I would never see him again after today.

After a few hours of skating I decide to start heading home. I walk over to where I last say Ally. I walk up to find her making out with someone. I cough and they pull way. Ally face turns bright red and so does the guys.

I laugh. "Care to explain?"

"Well, uh you see what had happened was I was eating some chips." Ally says

"Did you think the chips were in his mouth?"

"I uh.. Uh the truth is we just got to talking and next thing I know we were making out."

"Mhm, are you going to introduce me or just sit there."

"Oh right yeah. Sammy this is Ricky, Ricky this is Sammy." She says pointing back and forth to us

"Nice to meet you Ricky." I say shaking his hand

"Same to you. So, uh would you and Ally like to catch some dinner with me and my friends?"

I look at Ally and she nods her head. "Yeah, sure."

We grab out boards and walk to our cars. Ricky walks over to his friends, they all turn around. I smile as I see one is Jc. He smiles and walks toward me.

"Nice to see you again." He says

"Yeah, you to."

"So, Ricky said you and your friend here are going to eat dinner with us."

I nod my head. He smiles. "Great."

"I guess we can follow you guys there." I say

They nod their heads, Ally and I walk to my car and get in. She turns and smiles at me. "Last time you'll see him, aye."

I laugh. "I honestly thought I wouldn't."

"I think he likes you." She winks

"Highly doubt that."

"We'll see."

Could Jc like me? Doubt it. I watch has Ricky waves his hand from the car window gesturing us to follow. I start the car an pull out. I start to think, I don't know the others names.

I turn to Ally. "Do you know the others names."

"I know the names, but I don't know the face that goes with it." She says

I nod my head and continue following them. We pull up in front of a huge house. I'm guessing it's theirs. I step out of the car and watch as the guys play around on the way to the door. I laugh, what am I getting myself into.

Chasing The Clouds || Jc CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now