“That’s gold, Chris." I spoke between bites. "Still not going to do it.”

“Oh my God, how did you finish half of that so quickly?”

“I think I’m an emotional eater, maybe, I...” Suddenly, Christine pushed my head down and knocked ours together. She was always an abrupt person, so I wasn’t surprised. “What happened?”

“Pretend to look at my phone.” We stared at her screen, which was of her smiling next to Mikey’s sleeping face. “Okay, Cameron’s looking over here. I think he’s looking at you.”

“Wait, Cameron...” There were three Cameron’s in my school – Cameron H., a boy on our squad, the other Cameron. H, a girl (clearly not the one mentioned), and then there was the Cameron, no last initial.

“It’s Cameron! The Cameron, Cameron Grey!”

“Oh my God. Oh my God. What do I do?” My heart raced at the sound of his name alone. I always liked him, like every other girl. He was the head of the football team, and beautiful, and he had the nicest personality to boot. Sure, he mainly hung out with other football players, but he had friends outside of the circle in a lot of different cliques, which you can’t say for the other guys.

“He’s walking over here. I need you to take breaths. Take deep breaths. Be cool. You’ve talked to him plenty of times before. Some people would even say that you guys are kind of like friends. Plus, you’re the head cheerleader. You’re super pretty. You’re nice. You’ve got a good butt."

“It’s not as nice as yours.”

“Of course not, but yours is my favorite on the squad anyways.”

I squeezed her wrist. “I’m going to throw up.”

“Aren’t you glad I saved you from those black beans before?”

“I’d have explosive diarrhea right now.”

“A shit tsunami. Speaking of that, Mikey...”


We both jolted and looked up. Cameron had come up around the side to get to us. He was beautiful. He was every bit as beautiful as he looked from afar. He had a jawline sharp enough to cut a diamond, high cheekbones and a very slight cleft chin. His sandy hair was parted and combed neatly for the occasion, and his clear blue eyes held their usual mischievous twinkle. I wanted to drool. Christine cheerfully started with, “Hey Cam. Where’s your date?”

“Off with Eric Robinson.” I swallowed and squeezed my eyes shut. Thankfully, he didn’t sound upset. “Where’s yours, Chris? Shitting?”

Oh God. So he heard us before.

“I hope you didn’t harass my baby in the bathroom and let him go in peace.”

"I didn’t say a word to him.” He held his hands up in surrender jokingly and then zeroed in on me. “Robinson’s your date, right?”

I nodded too many times. Christine pinched my back, and as if she had pressed a button, I started to talk. “Yeah. I’m sorry about that… thing that’s happening over there.”

He shrugged a shoulder. “It’s okay. I wasn’t all that into Heather anyways.”

Christine started to slowly slide my plate off of my lap. “Heather’s gross.”

“Christine!” I snapped my head to her. She made a face. I looked back at Cameron, who seemed entertained. “Sorry.”

“I’m not.” Christine muttered.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I’m the sorry one, actually, because Robinson got to you before I did, and I should’ve asked you sooner.” He held out a hand. “But I’m taking this situation as a sign that we were just supposed to be each other’s dates.”

I took his hand and he helped me up. “By the way, I’m...”

“I know. You’re Zoey.” He gave my hand a squeeze and pulled me up and towards the dance-floor. “I would’ve thought that the line before kind of gave away the fact that I’ve been noticing you. For a while now, actually.”

Why am I like this? “Right. That... true. Okay.”

He smiled something warm and heart melting. I wanted to die at the sight of his dimples. I couldn’t have been any more awkward, but I was reassured somehow by that sweet expression that my weirdness wasn’t going to put him off.

I looked over my shoulder to see Christine, who was finishing my meal and giving me a thumbs-up.


A/N: This is the first story I've ever posted, so I would really appreciate any kind of constructive criticism, comment, like, fan thing... you know what I mean, haha. I'm still learning how to use this site.

Outfit link: http://www.polyvore.com/prom/set?id=131760568#fans

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