Chapter One: Change

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A/N: If you don't know who any of these characters are just google them.

Izuku can be seen walking mindlessly to school. He doesn't seem like much to the average eye, but if one were to look closer he has gone through some hardship. Although quirkless people around him can sense something off about him.

Almost as if his power was alluring.

Pure and raw power seem to be radiating off him, but even then "It's still not enough..."  is what went through the boy's mind. As he finally made to his middle school's entrance he finds his childhood bully looking at him a with hateful glare.

Katsuki Bakugou was his name: Last name meaning "boom" which is clever considering his powers is involved with explosives. Izuku stares back in fear knowing Katsuki might want to hit him or say mean stuff to him.

"Well will ya look at here?" He started. "It's Deku, a useless piece of shiiit!" He sneered at him. Katsuki really hated this guy for one reason.

He thinks he can be a hero without a quirk.

Izuku sighs. This isn't anything new, yet he wishes he could stand up against him. Only recently he researched a hero named "Caped Baldy" and he indeed found some interesting facts about him. While known as being one of the most powerful beings in this planet other than All Might he found out that he was quirkless like him!

With this new information his desire to be the greatest hero of all time has not been deterred but it got stronger. No matter what anyone tells him. That's his dream!

"Kacchan! I didn't know you were talking to me." He lied. Izuku new damn well who he was addressing too.
"Yeah right. I mean who else in this goddamn trash school is quirkless like you anyways!" He exclaimed causing everyone around them to laugh at their direction.

Izuku just sighs depressingly as he continues to trod to his home room.


The day went by pretty fast to Izuku but in each and every class seemed horrible. Not only is he quirkless but he's a clumsy nerd. Everyone had the time to make fun of him for his clumsiness. To make matters worse is that his teacher decided to not keep his mouth shut about him applying to U.A which made everyone laugh their asses off. Katsuki however was enraged.

"Deku, even though all these people in our class won't stand a chance at U.A" He started. "Even though you're quirkless you still want to apply to U.A?!" He questioned. Before Izuku can reply Katsuki beat him to it. "I don't wanna hear it. So SHUT THE FUCK UP DEKU AND WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T APPLY FOR U.A!"

Everyone was scared of his voice but they couldn't help and agree with what he's saying. How can a quirkless and powerless boy study in U.A let alone be excepted? Still Izuku wouldn't just give up. "i can always be in the support.." Before he can finish what he was saying Katsuki again beat him to it.

"Even students in the Support Course have a quirk Deku." Katsuki growled.
Izuku stares at him for a little longer before he averted his gaze elsewhere. All while class resumed one thought entered his mind. "I will be a hero, if not then the greatest hero!"

Starting from that day he was training really hard. With school ending and less homework being passed out he would follow the Caped Baldy's guideline into becoming the strongest.
His training was simple yet a test of endurance and stamina. He would have to do 100 push-ups; 100 sit-ups; 100 squats; 10 km run; eating a lot and healthy; with no AC!

Every. Single. Day!

At first he started off with 50 of the push-ups; 50 sit-ups; 50 squats; 5 km run. He kept doing this until the end of school. During those weeks he finally started to do 100 and 10 km runs. He wasn't gonna lie these weeks turned into months was hell for him. Even his mom was worried for him. She begged him to stop, but instead he ignored what she said and told her with burning passion in his eyes: "Mother I will be the greatest and strongest hero alive. I will prove to you and this world that I can be a hero even without a quirk! I will give hope to all the quirkless out there in the world!"

For once Inko saw his eyes and knew he was serious. She knew he wouldn't give up not until his dream was fulfilled. So she gave him a supportive smile and nodded in approval.

Weeks turned months and now a month before the exams Izuku started to feel different. In fact he feels really sore but at the same time strong.

And he was feeling bored.

During the few first months of training he encountered a villain. He was made of sludge and tried to take over him. By this time Izuku already gained a lot of power. He found an opportunity to test his strength and pulled one of his new move inspired by All Might. He called it serious smash.

What he didn't expect was not only for the sludge to be blown away but the tunnel around turning into rubble!
Just then All Might appeared and to say he was shocked was an understatement. His jaw was hanging and it kept hanging before he decided to speak. "Did you do this to the villain and tunnel young sir?"

Izuku could only nod before other heroes came to scold him about using your quirk to destroy property. In other words to control his power.

That was when he invented Normal Attacks which was weaker than his serious attacks. Nevertheless he now knew why Caped Baldy was one the best heroic of all time. He also knew that for sure he was gonna make it to U.A and be the greatest hero of all time.

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