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Y/n's Pov:

"Hello, dad?"

My heart wasn't ready for this. I anticipated the reply as I felt his breath over the other line. I felt petrified.

"Y/n -" He began, his voice still calm as I listened.

"Why did you call so suddenly?"

His words ran into my ears very coldly. The way he blurted those words so bluntly was making me regret my decision of calling him. I expected him to at least be the dad he was supposed to be towards me.

"Well, I -" I began but my words were cut off really quickly by his words.

"How's your stay there with Lee?"
He asked.

That was the least expected question I thought I would hear from him. It was rude of him for cutting my words off just like that but it's not like I'm hurt anywhere. It has always been like that. I never really had a say in my life. Well, to be honest, when we usually talk, it's actually dad who do most of the talking. I'm either just sitting there wondering something or listening to him.

"It's fine, I guess. But I -"

I wanted to say that I wanted to check how they're doing over there and ask him if I can visit Lucas and his mother  but yet again, he goes on cutting me off like all the other pathetic creatures in the world.

"You like staying at Lee's house, don't you?"


"You've always liked it there."

What's he blabbing about?

"So much that you forgot your own home."

Why is he being so cruel!? I fought the urge to pour my eyes out but I thought it's not gonna be today. Out of every word he could think of and say, were those the only ones the could think of?

"But dad, you're taking this the wrong way. That's not how it is!" I argued back. Even though he wasn't wrong. Yes, I do admit that by living with Taeyong I've felt so much at home. But this isn't my real home. The one where I've shared with my mom and dad along with all those beautiful memories is what I call a real home. But that home perished away too soon.

"I don't care what you say it is but that's just the way I see it."  His remarks were bitter. He didn't care. Just didn't care. I held my chest as he continued to speak.

"Besides if you like it so much, you don't need to come back."

And with that the line went silent. He hung up on me. When I thought I would at least have a pleasant talk with my dad, he ended up piercing into soul once again.

You don't need to come back.

His words ran over my head and I couldn't stop myself from repeating it.  Just as I thought, he blames me for the  cause of all my mothers. And now that he has a new family and a son, he probably wants me out of the perfect family picture. I've always envied my friends for having wonderful families.

My hand dropped to my sides and I could no longer feel my own body. I was tired. Not physically but emotionally. I covered my eyes with my arm and wondered if life would have been different if mom was still alive.

She was the best mother. Strong and confident. Unlike me who cowardly walk behind other's shadows and cry at words.

Did I just say cry?

I laughed bitterly as I realized my arm had become wet because of the tears that had been flowing out since God knows when. I never thought I could cry again.

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