
#6: I LOVE my BFF. And he's a guy.

As sweet as these stories are, they're kind of nauseating. For me personally, I want my guy friends to STAY that way. Actually, I don't have any boy best friends to choose from anyways. But, if I did, I want them to stay that way.

But it's not only that. What I've said above can make a very romantic and cute story. It really can, and I've read some like those here before.

#6.5: And he's my longLOST friend.

Again, I've seen amazing writes with this plot to it, but it's kind of aggrovating. First off, this guy you haven't seen in, like, six years is not going to come running to you again, balling his eyes out and get married to you. As cute as that is, and no matter how much I want love to be that simple in real life, it's not reality. And besides, you haven't seen his boy in ages. He can turn out to be just like that one weird freaky dude shoved in the corner of the classroom, writing his own kidnapping-girls-and-r*ping-them poems.

Ew. Just no.

#7: The WAITRESS hits on your date.

First of all, that poor waitress wearing that dress of out-of-stock-fabric is probably sick tired by the night (which is when most dates are held, cliche states) from all the random street dudes hitting on her. She isn't going to hit on some guy. Besides, if she really was a sl*t then she wouldn't be hitting on the guy you're dating with. Actually, never mind. She would because your date is handsome, attractive, funny, smart, accomplished, talented, and the one guy that's perfect for about any other girl.

#8: Want free hugs? Horror Movie Spree!

Okay. Guys are not teddy bears. Don't just be constantly making excuses to hug them. Because they aren't.

Also, don't just make the boy accept what's going on. Instead, why not be a comedian? Make the guy be scared of the horror movie. Or instead, have the main character make a mistake or some weird interaction beyond than just hugging them because there's no use. It's all a filler, when you think about the free hugs, horror movie spree thing. Make sure to piece the actions and what the main character decides to do carefully as ALL DIALOGUE AND ACTIONS should force a change in the present atmsphere or in the future.

#9: The Hated Boy = The NEW LOVER?!

This is kind of ridiculous. If you love the boy, then great. If you hate the boy, even better. This gives the character competition or something that they can feel vengeance towards without them being a sl*tty Barbie brat. But if it's a boy that the girl hates and then ends up loving? It gets kind of sappy and unless there's a true and strong underlying meaning to this, it's honestly kind of trash.

Besides, think about someone you really hate. Like, really hate. Boy or girl, doesn't matter. When you attempt to think about them, it may be very easy. Or it may be very hard. Either way, it's just like that. That one person you hate that pops up immediately after reading the headline of this subject is how much you hate them. How much you're aware that you hate them. Do you ever think you're going to mellow to that person? Well, if the imaged popped up that quickly, most likely you're going to answer with a no. Yet, some fictional characters feel as though how much they hate a person, they can still change and become their lover?

Let me repeat this: their lover. That's just wrong. Personally, when I hate a person, I hardly think about them. No matter how fancy they look one day compared to the next, it's none of my business and I forget about them almost immediately. Besides, I don't have a specific person I hate (kind of changes everyday). But if this main girl or guy has this one targetted person they truly dismiss the fact of ever being around, ever knowing, well they're your sworn enemy. And sworn enemies don't all of a sudden become your lover.

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