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 Before whenever I liked you, you forgot me all the time. Now that I'm gone from your life after being there for years, you told me you couldn't forget me and you were struggling with it. No you didn't tell me that you couldn't forget me, you told me you couldn't forget having sex with me. You told me that you couldn't stop thinking about all of the times we had sex and clearly that's a problem considering you had a girlfriend. It's so crazy what you taught me Kyle, you taught me to finally walk away. And I did. We were friends for years. We were always friends and its crazy how easy it was to always talk to you. You talked to me a lot most of the time it was always about other girls. While I spent so much time thinking about you and looking at you, you were purposely looking at everyone else, but you wanted me when you needed me. When you needed to not feel alone I was there and you were the same for me. When I needed someone to make me feel not alone you were there. When I cried after awhile you were there, with delay. Asking me what was wrong and if I needed to talk. And its crazy after I left, which I never thought i'd do, you became more attentive to me. After Tristin left which was my bestfriend that you fell in love with while I had feelings for you. I was probably straight in love with you in a way. I was going to tell you at Christmas one year it was the third Christmas you were around and I was leaving out of state for Christmas and I was gonna tell you. Me and you had a thing for those years before Tristin ever moved to our school so I was gonna tell you because she was pregnant with someone elses kid and she lived with another man and I loved you way more than she did. I had always valued you more than all those girls you talked to me about, but you never saw me. You came to my house and I didn't ever say a word. I wished you guys a Merry Christmas and left out of state. When I came back everything went back to normal for about a month and then we didn't talk for about a month and then I got back with josh.. I got back with josh and then you'd text me all the time and you'd tell me to come "check out my new apartment" and when I did you kissed me and begged me, no not begged me to be with you because you finally wanted that, but begged me to sleep with you. I didn't do it, of course I didn't do it I went home. And after that you continuously bugged me about wanting me and later when I was heartbroken from josh you took advantage of that and you continuously tried to make my life a complete mess by playing these stupid games all the way up until I left. And at that point I had no problem leaving you behind and pretending that I never even knew who you were and i'm glad. 

~ Danielle 

To All The Boys That Broke My Heart Before.. I Loved YouWhere stories live. Discover now