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I met you when I was 14 and you were the first boy I had ever loved before. You were 16 I was not the first girl you had ever loved before. You didn't honestly truly love me but I was in love with you. We were both mature for our age because we both had a messed up life.. just in different ways. You had gotten into an accident that messed your whole life up and I was stuck in a rundown house with a couple parents who only loved me because they had too. They were in love with drugs because they wanted to be. Then there was you. You were the first person to make me happy. You were the first person I ever made love with. You were the first set of eyes that made me have butterflys in my stomach. I remember once driving on one of those dirt roads in your truck you stopped and looked at me and said "Danielle one day im gonna take you a way from all of this. Im gonna take you away and take care of you." I believed you. It was hard for me to initially trust you because I was a broken girl living in an equally broken world but I chose to trust you. I trusted you would always be there for me. I trusted you genuinely cared about me the way I so deeply cared for you. After all you assured me my heart was safe with you. I chose to give you a little piece of me and that was my mistake. Low and behold 3 weeks after our talk there was another girl you were seen parading around town with while I was away at church camp. Someone called me and told me there was a girl on your lap and you were being very flirtatious, you tried to lie about it. "She was just a friend " that was the ultimate lie. Not only had you slept around behind my back but you crushed my ability to ever trust anyone again by lying to me about it. I found out the truth and still stayed with you knowing what you had done. 6 months later you moved off and I didn't hear from you for years, until one day there you were again. Up until I heard from you again it was an opened wound that never got the closure it needed because you just disappeared. When you came back you had met someone else and yall were on a break. Yall were "separated" but your facebook said other wise. Why yall weren't together I cant say, and if yall were happy together and loved eachother I also don't know. What I do know is that ive been set free from that. Ive been set free from crying at night wandering why. You have found your home in a new heart and im happy for you.

The wound you caused was no longer hurting me because I finally realized it wasn't me that wasn't good enough for you,

 it was you that wasn't good enough for my heart. 

To All The Boys That Broke My Heart Before.. I Loved YouWhere stories live. Discover now