Chapter 3 Hanna and Bruno

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At the playground

Ok Bruno you can do it. I'm nervous Dirk what if she doesn't like me the way I like her. You will do fine just be yourself thats all you have to do. Ok I got this, I got this. Hey Hanna so what boy in this school do you like? Well Abby I don't know, that is a good question. Who do you like Abby? I like Dirk, he is really cute. Come on Hanna theres got to be some boy you like. I'm not going to lie I think I am in love with this boy that sits by me in class named Bruno. Really, why are you in love with him? Bruno just has this personality that I pictured my prince charming to have when I grow up. Well he might be your prince charming when you grow up. I don't know Abby, what if he doesn't like me the way I like him? He might, you never know

Bruno walks over

Hi I'm Bruno. I'm Hanna and this is Abby. Hi Abby. Hi Bruno, what are you up to? I came to talk to Hanna. Well let me leave you two alone then. So Bruno how are you liking 5th Grade so far? It's going good I guess. Just good, you didn't like the class or the teacher. I like the class and the teacher. Oh I get it you have a crush on a girl don't you? Maybe. Who is she? All your going to know is that she is pretty. Oh ok Bruno. I know this is a weird question Hanna but do you have a crush on a boy? Actually I do and all you need to know is that he is very awesome and I hope that he will become my prince charming one day. Really, ok well the bell just rang so I better go to class. Me too and nice to meet you Bruno, hope we could hang out again sometime. Me too and nice to meet you too Hanna

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