Her Boss's Baby-Chapter One

Start from the beginning

"I've heard about some of his cases." That's an understatement, Jane thought, she was familiar with quite a few of his cases. Especially when her bosses lost against Rain Wolf three times. 

"Alright, Miss," The driver pulled up in front of the fifteen story office building she worked in, "here you are." 

"Thank you." Jane dropped a five dollar bill into his hand as tip, "Thanks for the ride." She climbed out, and hurried inside. 

"Thank goodness you're finally here." the red headed receptionist breathed as Jane pushed through the door at the offices of Morrison and Chambers, attorney's at law. 

"Sorry, Allison, what happened?" Jane felt a sense of apprehension as she hurried down the hall towards her office.  

Allison followed, "They're in the conference room. They want you in there as soon as you arrive." 

Jane dropped her purse and bag on her chair in her office, "Whose in there?" As she approached the conference room, the door opened, and her coworkers started spilling out. 

"Looks like the meeting is over." Allison commented as they stepped aside to let everyone pass. 

"Lovely." Jane reached for the door handle. 

"There's been a buyout." Allison whispered, "Rain Wolf bought the firm." 

Jane had already pushed open the door, she glanced back at the receptionist before turning to the room. Her bosses, Keith Morrison, and Andrew Chambers were sitting at the long conference table along with another man easily recognizable from his many interviews on the television news. 

"Jane," Keith Morrison, a distinguished gentlemen in his early forties, stood and waved her to the table, "meet Rain Wolf." 

Forcing a smile, Jane shook the lawyers hand and chose a chair across the table from him. "I understand we have a new boss." She commented. 

"We are now Wolf, Morrison and Chambers." Andrew Chambers, a man in his seventies who had spent his entire life around the law, pushed back from the table. "Though Chambers will be a silent partner. I have decided it's time for me to retire." 

Jane felt a true pang of sorrow, "Andy, that's horrible news." 

"Yes, well." He shrugged, "As you know, I tried a few years ago, but after Liz's death, I just couldn't sit at home." 

"What's changed now?" Jane asked. 

Andrew glanced to Rain Wolf, "There is fresh blood in the office." 

"I don't understand." Jane said, "Are you being forced..."

"No, not at all." Andrew waved a hand, "I choose to." 

"I am not forcing Andrew out of the office." Rain Wolf told her, "I am giving him the means to retire, and still be able to consult." 

Andrew patted Jane's shoulder, "Don't worry about me, I'll be around." He left the conference room, leaving Jane with Keith and Rain. 

Keith turned to the door. "Jane, I explained to Rain that you are by far the best legal assistant in the office so you will be in charge of this transition." 

Jane watched the door close behind him, and settled back in her chair, "I take it you will be the managing member." 

"I will." Rain answered, "I understand from Keith that you have been in charge of the office, and staff for a while now." 

"I have done what they have asked of me." 

"And a lot more. It would seem they are not paying you what you are worth." 

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