In The Woods

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"Oww." I said, falling to the ground.

The sun was setting and I had tripped on a rock causing my bad ankle to be triggered. I looked around rubbing my ankle. I was in he middle of the forest, I stood up slowly. I would need to get back soon. I grabbed a stick it was thin but I could use it. I stood up and let my weight fall onto the stick, and looked around.

"Umm, where did I come from?" I said to myself.

I continued to walk forward wary of every sound.

"Ruben?" A voice called out.

Who was that. I walked in the direction of the voice.

"Ruben! Where are you?" The voice continued.

The voice was closer, I took a few steps forward and snap! My stick broke causing me to fall face first. I groaned.

"Who's that?" The voiced said.

I slowly stood up and went into a clearing, limping.

"Y/n." It was Jesse.

He looked at me surprised.

"What are you doing here? And where is your stupid jacket?" He asked.

"I not an ocelot anymore, I quit." I said limping over.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Looking for Ruben." he said.

I tried to put weight on my foot, I bit my tongue in pain.

"Here let me." He said, offering his hand.

I put my arm over him, using him to keep my balance.

"I'll have to get you back." He said.

"Not without Ruben." I said, giving him an extra torch I had.

He nodded and we walked off, calling for Ruben. A little bit later, we found a costume.

"Ruben!? Ruben!? Oh no! Are you in there buddy?" Jesse exclaimed ,running ahead of me.

Nothing, he stomped out the fire and we kept looking. We went through a cave, A spider popped out from a hole.

"Ahh" We both screamed.

It ran off, and we continued through the tunnel. Out of the cave was a small clearing, some bush started to shake. I nudged Jesse pointing to the bush. He walked over carefully.

"Ruben! There you are!" He shouted. Ruben came out happy. He looked at me and hid behind Jesse.

"It is ok Ruben, she is our friend." He said petting Ruben.

He slowly walked up to me. He then smiled.

"I am glad to see you are ok." I smiled and pet Ruben.

Groaning then came from the cave. Zombies.

"Get behind me!" He said to Ruben and I.

He took out his sword, I had no sword, and with my ankle I could not fight. He kept fighting, but then his sword broke. We had nowhere to hide.

"I know it is bad, I'll think of something." Jesse said.

A zombie came form the side, I scooped up Ruben just in time to save him bu,t not my arm.

"Oww." I groaned.

Jesse killed the zombie with a punch.

"You ok?" He asked.

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