"Audrey," Zorion said.

"A girl," Lycaon replied.

Putting some flavored weed in the smoke pipe, Zorion light it and took it in his mouth. After inhaling from the pipe, he spoke. "So?" Smoke was surrounding his face.

"Females are fragile," Lycaon said.

"I'll make her a strong warrior," Zorion said and removed his pipe to exhale the smoke.

Lycaon looked at him. "If you keep on sucking that pipe, you will die before she grows up."

Glancing at him from the side of his eyes, Zorion said. "This doesn't sound appropriate concerning what you do."

"I do things to be strong."

When Lycaon said those words, Zorion carefully placed the pipe on the window's frame. They both briefly gazed at each other and jumped back, drowning out their swords. Not more than an inch movement happened, a soldier interrupted.

"Pardon my interruption Lord Prince, Milord. King wants everyone to gather in the throne room." The soldier stood straight keeping his hands on his sides.

They both sheathed back their swords. Zorion took his pipe back and addressed Lycaon with his hand. "Milord."

Lycaon marched forward and Zorion followed him to the throne room. When they entered, the king was sitting on the throne with a mug of wine in his hand. Standing up unsteadily he raised the mug in the air. After handing the throne to Lycaon he rarely comes out of his room. Seeing him sitting on it was rather surprising.

"Today." He said then dank. "My honored Knight and a good friend of mine had a child." He then drank more and placed his hand on the hand of the throne. His unsteady form was wobbling. "This Blissful moment will be celebrated." He continued and raised the mug again. Everyone in the room cheered and shouted in joy. Lycaon noticed that he didn't mention anything about his dead mother. Nor he brought up her name. Did he forget her? Or has he changed?

Looking at the king, he blinked a couple of times to clear his vision. His head feels dizzy; the voice of the king was shaking. Breathing heavily, Lycaon leaned back on the pillar. Zorion glanced at him. It's unusual for him to behave leisurely. Sharing a look with Zorion he stood straight. The speech of the king continued while people in the room shouted with joy. He moved back to take the support of the pillar. His breaths were turning hard and the body was becoming heavy. He looked at his hands, his vision was blurring and hands were shaking. He inhaled a long breath and rested his head back on the pillar, something was happening with his body. The moment Zorion turn to ask the matter, Lycaon fell, everything around him appeared to blur, voices were fading by a whistling sound. Before his knees could touch the ground, he quickly drowned out his sword and burrowed it in the ground for support. Keeping his palms on the pommel of the sword, Lycaon shouts. "Herr Zorion, cease the castle." Not a moment passed, Zorion disappeared in a blink.

Everyone in the throne room turned towards him in panicked. They started to murmur among themselves. When the king made a loud sound for silence, people moved aside making a path between the king and Lycaon. The king walked down from his throne. Placing the mug on the table, he wobbled his huge form towards him. Each step was slow and calm. Lycaon raised his eyes. His gaze was cold and calm, which can pierce any flesh. The king glanced down at his knees they were above the ground untouched. His eyes followed up from his knees to his eyes. Glaring at his son in the eyes, he walked further close. Lycaon coughed and puked out the blood, but his eyes were not leaving the hold of his father's glare.

People around them panicked at the scene. They never saw the prince in such a state.

"Call the Savant." The king shouts. A soldier ran on his command. He came close to his son, keeping an audible distance. "You are not supposed to die."

Cleaning the blood off his mouth with the back of his hand, Lycaon lifted the corner of his lips. Looking exactly in the eyes of his father, and said. "I won't die this easy."

Soldiers took Lycaon into a chamber where he laid on a table. After giving him the antidotes the Savant began to check his condition. When he turned to announce the reason, Zorion flew opened the door and entered with the news.

"It was...." Before Zorion could complete his announcement, Lycaon interrupted.

"The drink," He said, raising his form by the support of his elbows.

"Milord, don't move," Zorion said.

"And this was the poison which is not yet tested on your body," Savant said, bringing some liquid in a glass tube.

"Which means the culprit is a known person." Lycaon continued.

"Who knows which poison works on you and which doesn't." The Savant said.

"And he's in the dungeon." Zorion ended their conversation.

Standing up, Lycaon put on his shirt. "Herr Zorion, bring him to the pigeon's chamber."

"I'll start the new test for his body." Savant took a paper and quill, and then pulled out a book from the shelf. "Well, it's position no. 13, long to go."

As told, Zorion brought the man in the pigeon's chamber. The man was a former soldier who was now working for another kingdom in the west. His hands were cuffed in the chains which were long enough to tie around his ankles.

"What do you see?" Lycaon asked.

The confused man looked at Lycaon then at Zorion and in around the room.

Taking a crossbow which was held on the wall, Lycaon spoke again. "I don't like to repeat my..."

"Yes-yes, I see a dark room." The man blabbered. "I know you don't like to repeat your words."

Lycaon fake clapped. "You were an obedient soldier." He walked close to him looking into his eyes. "What else do you know?"

"I don't know anything." The man replied.

Lycaon laughed nefariously. Admiring the crossbow, he glanced at the man through it and then said. "Time for the game."



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