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Aimee sighed to herself as she sat in class and looked to tom as he made a speech over Lorna. She looked to him and smiled. She could see how mad that he was suffering and could tell that he was trying his hardest to stay strong even if it was killing him. Aimee placed a hand on her bump and smiled as tom looked up and they made eye contact for a moment as tom sighed "what miss dickey would of wanted was for you to do your best, you all need remember that" he said as the bell went as Aimee watched as everyone else walked out of the classroom and looked to tom and smiled "are you okay?" She asked as she walked over to him and sat on the desk next to him and smiled "I'm fine" he said as she looked to him and sighed. She knew that he wasn't okay.

She placed a hand on top of his as he took a hold of it and squeezed it and smiled "it's okay to be upset, you were married and together for years" Aimee said as he looked to her and smiled "I just expected her to come and walk into the classroom and tell me that it was all a bad dream" tom said as she looked to him and smiled "I know, but she wouldn't want this" she said as Tom nodded "I just have to think that this is what she wanted, that she wanted to go in her own way" he said as she looked to him and smiled.


Later that day, Aimee walked down the hall and frowned as she saw tom and izzie. She stood with her back to the wall and frowned as she watched them. She Watched as Tom placed a hand on her cheek and leant in and kissed izzie. Aimee looked to them and felt the tears in her eyes. She couldn't help but feel sick and heartbreak as it confirmed what she felt that she had fallen in love with tom and she didn't want that. She knew it was only going to be a matter of time before it all blew up.

Later that day, aimee walked into the hall and frowned as she saw izzie and Tom who were dressed as vegetables. She looked to them and frowned "what's hoing on?" Aimee asked as she saw chlo and mika "I wanted to talk to you three" izzie said as Aimee looked to her and frowned "how would you feel if Tom and I got married?" She asked as Aimee felt her heart break as she looked to izzie and sighed "that's great mum" chlo said "well as long as your not wearing that" mika said as izzie smiled and looked to Aimee "well? What do you think?" She asked as Aimee looked to her and rolled her eyes "I think that you deserve better" Aimee said as she walked off as izzie stood there confused "ignore her mum, it's just the hormones" mika said as izzie nodded. She knew that it wasn't, and there was something definitely going on with Aimee.


Later that day, Aimee sat in the library as tom walked in and walked over to her "I spoke to your mum, what the hell is going on?" He asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes at him "think about it, what do you think is going on? You can't be involved with my baby, our baby and marry my mum too, it's just not possible" Aimee said as he looked to her "you can't cut me out" he said as she rolled her eyes "I'm not, it's your choice, my mum or us, but if you want to be with her I'd tell her the truth before I do" she said as she stormed off, leaving tom wondering what he was going to do.

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