"Do you still want to marry me??"

I look at him confused. Why would he ask that? Of course, I want. Did I give him any sign I didn't want to? I touch the ring on my finger.and smile at him.

"Yes, of course, love. Why?"

"Just wanted to know.. Should.. should we start to plan the wedding?!"

He gets a little red and my smile grows bigger. We will plan our wedding. How great is that?!

"Yes!! Oh my god, yes , Harry!"

He stares at me confused.

"Everything okay?!"

He laughs and gives me a kiss.

"Only when you're here with me."

We kiss again and I feel how much lust he has. But it is still too 'dangerous' and exciting to me. He backs away from me. Red checks, black and widened eyes. I should have stopped earlier.

"I'm sorry, Harry.. I shouldn't have.."

"It's okay,.. I could have stopped earlier too.."

He grins and hugs me. I wish I could stay like this forever. No management. Only Harry and me. I wish that would be that simple for longer. But as I am getting better I think management will storm into my room once. Luckily it's closed 24/7. And no one except the other three lads of our band (and obviously  Harry) is allowed to come in. After all that many nights and days I started to ask myself what music we make. Harry only ever said that we are a boygroup. Does that mean that we play pop? Or punk? Rock? I sigh.

"What's love? Everything okay?"



"What music do we make?"

"Pop, Louis. Why?!"

I shrug.

"Was curious. Would you show me one music video of us again? You didn't since I had the surgery.."

"Of course.."

He stands up, gets his laptop from the table next to his before and lads down next me again sitting his laptop onto his lap. He opens it, logging on and he immediately opens an order called "Midnight Memories- MVs".

"I'd say we watch Story Of My Life at first. If it's okay for you.."

"I can't remember them, so I don't care which we should start with.."

I kiss his right shoulder and rest my head there.


He puts the start button and the video starts. I recognise those two hands straight away. Wow, did I really learn to do that?

"Stop it, Harry!"

He looks confused but stops it.


"Did I really learn to do that with pics or is it just a computer effect thing?!"

"We quite got a little practice in doing it, so it won't look like why don't know what we are doing. Bit the first thing was a computer effect. Ben didn't tell me, he said it was a secret.."

He rolls his eyes.

"Who's Ben?"

"What do you think about I get you a notebook and you write all your questions to the music video down and you ask me later?!"

He smiles and I nod. He stands up getting it from his bag. Damn, why does this boy have so many useful things with him. Maybe he wanted to do that memory thing anyway and got his laptop and notebook here? Who knows. He lays down again and I lay my head again on his shoulder.

"But tell me who Ben is at first!!"

He takes my hand, leaving kisses on it and smiles.

"Whatever you want, Louis. Ben Winston is our director and producer. He directed for example the music videos for Best Song Ever and Story of My Life."

"Only them?!"

"No, there are a few others too and three films also. But I didn't want you too have to know bout so much.. for now.. I will tell you the others too. Sometime."

"Okay.. Ermh why do we have a song called Best Song Ever?! Isn't that a bit vain?!"

"Shut up and watch the video now."

He chuckles and starts it again. I watch it clearly and note things into that notebook Harry got me.

-Harry has a beautiful voice. :)

-Who's the girl next to Zayn?

- Why are there short films? Why does it start with older looking pics?

-Who's the boy next to Niall?!

-The four people next to Liam are his family. Right?!

-wow. I look so happy and good too ;)

-is the lady next to you your mother?! wow she's beautiful. now i know where you got your beauty from

Then it comes to a younger a looking boy. It looks a little bit like me. Sitting next to a table. Four elder people behind him. The pic changes and I sit next to only two of them. My vision goes blurry and I only see black.

"I can't do this!!"

"Louis! Everything is good! Your grandparents are so proud of you! Wherever they may be!"

Tears stream down my face. I never thought that this scene would be so hard for me. Yeah, I knew that we would make something with purpose family but I didn't know that I had to do it with my grandparents! I love them, of course I do. But this picture? Really?! Two of them had to pass away unfortunately! That hurts sitting there. I remember everything we did together. My grandpa holding my little hand as I didn't know if I could climb on that tree. Or the one day my grandma made cookies with me two days before Christmas.

"You think ?"

"Of course. Those two probably look down right now smiling at how much touch achieved!"

I smile.

"Thank you, Harry! I love you!!"

I look around me. Nobody seen. Good. The i-love-you was loud enough anyway. If someone who doesn't know about us heard it, our management would have killed us.

As I open my eyes slowly two doctors stand next to me and look at me worried.

"Everything okay, Louis?!"

I nod.

"I.. I just remembered something.. I'm just a little bit dizzy but it's okay.."

One of them, a younger man around my age, hands me a cup with water and smiles. I mouth a thank-you and empty it fast.

"We will come and check on you again in ten minutes ok?!"

Harry and me nod and they leave.

"Soo .. what did you remember?!"

I smile.

"Our talk about my scene in Story Of My Life.. about my grandparents. "

He hugs me and kisses my cheeks.

"That's wonderful, love!"



I'd like to say how sorry I am for not updating as much as I used to and that I am so slowly..

Soo I wanted to ask you if there's any Larry moment you want Louis to remember?! I mean I can't say what Louis really thought in those moments but I can try ;)

Love Tami

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