Chapter 9 ~Can't Hide~

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Baekhyun follows Kris "Hyung, are you mad?"

Kris just keep walking and ignore whatever around him.

Baekhyun POV

Kris is totally weird. He is just quiet when people are talking. When they yelled at him he would be like okay okay...But now he argue back. It's my first time seeing him like this, I don't know why but I'm so happy. He's more manly now than in the past. He's a type of person that's quiet and cold back then. When I was walking with Kris to the classroom. Krystal appear out of nowhere and give me a shock!

Krystal hug Kris and said "FanFan~ Oppa~" Fanfan is Kris' nickname when he was little.

Kris "What do you want?"

Krystal let go of him "I missed you oppa~"

Kris changed subject "The bell's gonna ring soon so go back to your class, I need to go,too"

Krystal "But, Oppa we just met"

Kris "We'll talk later"

Krystal "kay kay bye, ah bye Bacon Oppa~" she ran back to her class

Baekhyun "I'M NOT BACON!!!!!!!"

OMG I hate that nickname the most -_- What's wrong with loving bacon!!! Kris must feel annoyed. Even I hate that when people following me around every single day and call the nickname that I've never wanted to hear.

We walk into the classroom and saw Jiyeon sleeping beside IU. She's really brave to be here.

"Jiyeon's here" I whisper to Kris

Not long after that The members also come in. They went straight to Jiyeon seat.

Eunjung "Ya JIYEON!!!" Jiyeon didn't respond

"JIYEON" Eunji shout give everyone a shock even Jiyeon and IU who's sleeping deeply.

Jiyeon looked up a saw the members

Eunjung " We wanna talk to you after lunch, meet you at school rooftop"

Jiyeon nodded with a worry face.

Jiyeon POV

If I can't hide then I'll face them. I don't want to be a turtle that hide their head in the shell whenever they are scared. I just act normal like nothing really happen. At lunch time I went to the rooftop instead of going to the canteen. IU also went with me because she's worried. I got to the rooftop, everyone of E'T was there except Kris, Baekhyun and Chanyeol, and for Suzy I haven't seen her today.

No one POV

Eunjung go straight to the point "It's time for you to explain yourself what happened. Why did you do that?"

"Sorry, I did that on accident, I know you don't believe me but that's the truth" Jiyeon mumble and her hand's shaking like an old lady. She couldn't controlled herself.

Naeun "Do you think we would believe that??"

Xiumin "Naeun, Stop making things more complicated"

Naeun "Why are you guys always protecting her, It make me hate her more.!"

"No, but that's the truth. It's fine if you guys don't believe me" Jiyeon answer proudly and bow her head. Jiyeon doesn't want to tell them her personal problem but at the same time she doesn't want to lie because they are her precious friends.

Eunjung got angry "The point of E'T is trust, if you don't tell us then there's no point of keeping this relationship"

Jiyeon regret a little but she doesn't want anyone else to recall her past. She replied to Eunjung words "I'm sorry for everything... and thank you for everything you did for me." she bowed down sincerely to them.
"I've always causes trouble for you, Mianeh, but from now on I wont cause anything trouble and wont make you worried about me anymore" Jiyeon give the members a force smile and bowed to them again. After saying that she run downstairs without hearing their replied to anything.

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