Chapter 15: SHINNY

Start from the beginning

He laughed,"Okay."

We went up to it,"I'll go first"

He laughed,"Okay!"

I grabbed the huge hammer thingy. OH MY FUCK! THIS IS FUCKING HEAVY! I hit the center and the silver thing went up to weakling. Sebass grabbed the hammer from my hands,"Let me show you how it's done."

He was holding it like it was light as a feather. He brought it over his head then, "BAM" , he hit it and the bell dinged. He have me his cocky smile. SHOW OFF! He giggled a little. "Here you go." The man said an handed Sebastian a stuffed bear. Seb walked over to me and handed me the bear. "Why, thank ya."

I looked over and saw a future teller stand,"OH MY GOSH! WE HAVE TO DO THAT NEXT!"

We walked inside of the tinny booth. "Hello,"the future teller greeted,"I am Sophie."


"Please, sit." She said.

Both me and Seb took a seat. She grabbed Sebastian's hand. "Hmmm. I can see you are of royal blood." Sophie said.

Yep. "You have experienced some pain in your life. The person who you blame, is not what you think he is. Famed,framed,framed. Be careful, the true killer is beside you things are not what they seem. If you aren't careful another will die."

Talk about a spas attack. Sophie shook her head and looked at us. Sebastian looked confused. WHAT A DUMB ASS! She smiled at me and looked at my palm. "Through out your life you have been abused. Pain was a normal emotion for you. And fate brought you here for a reason. But beware your life is indeed in danger. A person who you trust is to blame. If he kills you certain events won't come to pass. Beware."

She shook her head again and smiled. She put a crystal ball out,"Look into it and see the future."

I looked and an image appeared, a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She looked like Sebastian. She was walking down a hallway. Then out of nowhere she bumped into someone. "Watch were your going!" The tall guy with brown hair and green eyes barked at her.

"ME?! I wasn't the one who wasn't paying attention you sorry excuse of a wizard!"The blue eyed girl shouted.

Then "DING", a loud bell went off.

"NO! IM LATE!" The girl cried.

They both ran into the same class.

The crystal ball then became cloudy. I looked over at Sebastian, did he see what I just saw.

"Wow,that was awesome!" I said as we eat our funnel cakes.

"She was a witch, Sophie."

I almost choked on my funnel cake,"WHAT?!"

"A witch."

"So other mythical creatures are...."

"Real? Yes." He said finishing my question.

HOLY FUGE CAKE! "Rose?" Sebastian called my name.


"Look it's a picture booth! Let's go!" He said and dragged me.

We sat down in the booth. We both smiled and "Click", it took a picture. "Rose."

I looked over at Sebastian. He was reaching for something in his pocket. He pulled out a box and opened it up,inside was a ring with one huge ass diamond on it."Will you marry me?"

"CLICK"! 💍💎

"Umm...HELL YES!"

He smiled at me and then he kissed me. "CLICK"! "I love you." I said.

"I love you too."

We entered the castle holding hands and smiling. He carried me to his room. I sat down on the bed staring at the ring. I giggled. "What?"

"IT'S SO SHINNY!" I said happily.


"Hey, I just meet you!" I sang.

"Rose, don't you dare!"

"This is crazy!" I sang.


"But here's my number!"


"Call me maybe!"I sang and smiled.



Hehehe! Sorry about the ending of the chapter but I just had to! :D

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