TDAS Re-write Finale part 2: The Final Wreck-Ening

Start from the beginning

Courtney: great! Thanks a lot Mike... or Mal... or WHOEVER YOU ARE!!! Now how are we supposed to win if he's all the way up there!!!

Cameron: We've got bigger problems than that, Courtney! Zoey will never be able to beat Mal on her own!

Gwen: (A determined look on her face) Well I'M not giving up! I've wasted four seasons on this crappy show, but I did NOT carry my butt all the way to the finale just to let some skinny, creepy, villain wannabe beat Zoey and us! One of us is walking away from this island, and it's NOT GONNA BE MAL!!!!

Duncan: (Grins) Babe's got fire in her eyes!!

Gwen: so, let's kick some Mal bu- (Rubs ankle) ow!

Cameron: Gwen? What's wrong?

(At that moment, Heather and Alejandro pull up to shore, just as their boat sinks)

Heather: what's wrong with you?

Gwen: (Hisses in pain) my ankle! I think I sprained it.

Courtney: oh my gosh; ok try and put a tiny bit of weight on it.

Gwen: (Steps slightly with her twisted ankle, squeaks in pain) ok yeah... that was stupid.

(Heather starts climbing the ladder)

Alejandro: (Without sympathy) a tragic tale, but we are not on the same team anymore, so we must leave you. (Climbs up after Heather)

Duncan: (Glares at them) yeah, thanks for all the help, Pal!

Cameron: we gotta keep moving!

Dawn: more still, we have to knock Mal out... literally!

Owen: huh? What do you mean?

Dawn: Mike's aura screamed out to me! If we can knock Mal out, he'll be forced back into his head, and Mike can regain control!

Noah: ...remind me to thank your brain when this is all over, hon. (Dawn smiles)

Duncan: so to sum up, to get Mike back, we gotta clock Mal out?

Dawn: pretty much, yes.

Duncan: (Smirks evilly) oh I am ALL over that! If anyone's gonna crown Mal, it's gonna be me!

Gwen: (Smirks) fair deal!

Courtney: ok, all this sounds good IN THEORY, but how are we going to get back up top!? It's not like we have a grappling hook that can just help us up there!

Owen: (He and Noah pull out two grappling hooks) you can borrow ours, Chris gave them to us so we could clean up top the remains of mount Chrismore ...with our toothbrushes.

Noah: and as mentally stimulating as cleaning up the remains of another piece of Chris' likeness is, I'd gladly give it up for the noble cause of shutting Mal up!

Courtney: (Awkwardly) and... now we do.

Duncan: (Grabs a grappling hook) sweet!

Gwen: (Grabs a grappling hook) Awesome! You guys are the best!!

(Confessional: Noah)

Noah: it's a three-strike formula for me; strike one, he attacks Owen; strike two, he gets me voted off; strike three, he sets my girlfriend up for a fall... (Points thumb downward) you're out, Mal.

(Confessional: Owen)

Owen: nobody pinks my belly, OR locks my little buddies in the corner... of the giant toilet!

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to the edge of the third moat, where Zoey has finally crawled up to the top)

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