TDAS Re-write episode 12: 10th Aftermath Special

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 Me - No puctures cause first Aftermatch already has one.

Total Drama All-Stars Re-Write
Episode 12: Total Drama All-Stars Aftermath 2: 10th Aftermath Extravaganza
Written and Edited by Joey Turner and Tanya Furness

(As the music plays, we see a wall filled with clips of the past 4 seasons. After a few seconds, the logo "Total Drama All-Stars Aftermath" explodes on the screen, after another explosion, the following short clip recaps play)

(Recap: Brick; clip from Moon Madness)

(Confessional: Brick)

Brick: I'm large and in charge! One way or another, I WILL conquer the dark! (Suddenly the lights in the confessional go out and Brick screams. A whizzing sound is heard) OH COME ON!!!!

(Recap: Sierra; clip from No One Eggspects the Spanish Opposition)

Sierra: (Speaks quickly and defensively) That doesn't matter! Why would that matter? No, it even doesn't! (Grabs onto Cameron's hoodie and pulls him up to her, panting like a dog. Gwen grabs Cameron and pulls him away. Sierra falls to her knees) CAMOOOODY!

(Recap: Heather; clip from Moon Madness)

Heather: (Looks up from the map, with her eyes sparkling heavily and her voice oddly sweet) Wow, Alejandro! You're so smart!

Alejandro: (Looks concerned) Excuse me!?

Heather: (Hugs the gator tightly) Who's a little boojiboojiboo, you are, yes you are!

(The villains all look terrified; Alejandro shivers)

(Recap: Duncan; clip from You Regatta Be Kidding Me)

Duncan: (Now looks nervous as the cop grabs him by the wrist) Wait, it was an accident! (The cops start dragging him off) Come on guys, have a heart! I-I didn't know you weren't supposed to put a toaster in the microwave! Agh, snugglemuffins!

(Recap: Cameron; clip from Zeek and Ye Shall Find)

Mal: (Whispering in his normal voice so only Cameron can hear) Oh, Mike's gone, I'm Mal. And I let you fall! (Cameron's eyes widen) So long, sucker!

(Mal chuckles and walks away; Cameron starts screaming in terror. He is still screaming while he is placed in the Flush of Shame. Chef pops his bubble and Chris presses the button, flushing him away)

(Opening credits)

(The logo animation plays again, then fade into the aftermath studio, darkened, suddenly a spotlight shines on the sofa and music starts playing)

Geoff: (Slowly pops up from behind the sofa wearing a tuxedo; singing) Aaaaaftermaaaaaaaaaath-

Bridgette: (Slowly pops up from behind the sofa wearing a blue dress; singing) Aaaaaftermaaaaaaaaaath-

Both: Aaaaafteeeermaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-

Jo: (Off-screen, growls) Get on with it, Kisser-sons!!

(The music stops and the lights come back on, revealing the peanut gallery in the same spots they were last aftermath, Lindsay and Anne Maria (Out of her body cast) sitting on the left, Jo and Lightning (Now in a body cast of his own in a wheelchair) on the right)

Geoff: (Annoyed) I'm telling ya, no respect for the hosts. (Out loud) but I'm not gonna let Jo's harsh mellow get me down today, dudes!

Bridgette: that's right, Geoff! Nothing's gonna get us down because today's...

Geoff/Bridgette: THE 10TH TOTAL DRAMA AFTERMATH!!!! (The Audience cheers and the peanut gallery applauses, Katie and Sadie squealing)

Geoff: OH YEEEAAA-AAAH!!!! It's been 10 episodes since Bridge and me scored this wicked gig, and so we're celebrating with an AWESOME 10th Aftermath Extravaganza!!!! (Audience cheers. Neon letters that say "10th Aftermath Extravaganza" light up on the wall behind them, followed by balloons and confetti dropping from the ceiling)

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