TDAS Re-write Finale part 1: The Final Wreck-Ening

Start from the beginning

Mal: (Smiles and shakes his head, his hair flipping down; he speaks like his normal self from now on) ooh, what a relief! Pretending to be that boring was REALLY getting to me. What'd you see in him?

Zoey: I'll take boring Mike over evil Mal any day!

Mal: (Confidently) oh Zoey, don't you get it yet? There's no longer a choice. (Into Zoey's ear) Mike. Is. Gone. And he's never coming back. (Chuckles; Zoey's mouth opens agape)

(Confessional: Zoey)

Zoey: (Nervous) is Mike really never coming back? (Crosses arms) no! That's just what Mal wants me to believe.... I hope.

(Confessional ends)

Mal: (Looks to Gwen) oh, and don't think I haven't forgotten you, Gwen; stay out of my way in the challenge, or I'll make your existence a living misery!

(Gwen just looks at Mal for a few seconds, and then just bursts out laughing)

Mal: (Confused) what? Why're you laughing?!

Gwen: because YOU are the cheesiest bad guy I've ever met!

Mal: (Offended) cheesy?!

Gwen: yeah! The creepy voice, the evil laughing, all you need is a goatee and a cat to pet.

Mal: (Unimpressed) cute, but you're still no match for me. Face it; I'm the best villain in Total Drama history.

Gwen: (Picks Mal up by his shirt, looks angered) all you are is the creep who hurt my friends! So you better stay out of MY way, or my boot is gonna end up in a place you don't want it to... deeply!

Mal: (Mockingly) oooh, scaaary. Just like your pathetic boyfriend with the stupid Mohawk! (Gwen growls lowly while Mal smirks)

(Confessional: Gwen)

Gwen: ok, THAT'S IT!!!! You already crossed the line hurting my friends.... But NOBODY disses the mowhawk!! You know what, Mal? ...bring it!!

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to the final three in front of two trees with a curtain, Chris and Chef are standing right beside the curtain)

Chris: congratulations on making it to the finale... it's something you'll regret for the rest of your lives-

Gwen: (Rolls her eyes) about three and a half years too late for that one, McLean.

Chris: -which will likely be rather short, since this final challenge is SO vicious, SO brutal, SO savage..... (Zoey gasps while Mal and Gwen look unimpressed) that our lawyers said we had to change it.

Zoey: (Sighs in relief) so you made it less dangerous?

Chris: (Mischievously) no, but we told THEM we did! (Chuckles) high-five! (Holds his hand up for Chef.... Chef doesn't respond)

Chef: people gonna die.

Chris: yeah, (Points to the final 3) THOSE people. (Zoey gasps again; Gwen and Mal look a little more nervous) Combatants, choose your weapon! (The curtains open to reveal a wall of weapons; including Chef's meatball bazooka, a harpoon, a stick, two paintball guns, a bow and arrows, a leechball gun, Lightning's leg weapon from last season's finale, a slingshot, and, for some reason, Mr. Coconut and an oven mitt) so, what'll it be? Meatball bazooka; bow and blood-tipped arrows; a leech gun; a slingshot; or... why is there an oven mitt there!?

Chef: (Hastily runs up and grabs the oven mitt) there was an extra hook. (Smiles sheepishly)

Chris: (Moans) fine, I'll get rid of it! (Calls out) yo, personal assistant! Get this mitt back to the prop closet! Now!

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