TDAS Re-write episode 14: You Can Dodge a Ball

Start from the beginning

(Cut to Mal roaming the halls of the spa hotel, looking around while sneering)

Mal: (Growls) Where is that insurance policy? If Alejandro's got some dirt on me, I've got to scrub away that dirt! (Notices a blue glow in the distance) huh?

(Cut to the control room, Mal pokes his head through the door and peeks inside)

Mal: (Groans) it's just the control room. Is there ANYTHING useful in this over-glorified tool shed?! (Notices something and quirks an eyebrow) huh? (Approaches the box of DVD's, pulls one out) "Episode 11?" ...Wait, that was the day when those votes were found under my bed. (Eyes widen) wait, could that mean...

(Without a second thought, he pops in the DVD, which shows Alejandro in the control room finding the DVD)

Alejandro: (Takes a DVD out of the box) Hmmm, "Mal's greatest hits..." how interesting... (Cut to Alejandro after sabotaging Mal) Anything you can do, I can do better. And look better doing it. (The DVD pops out) Hello, insurance policy.

Mal: (Growls, but then notices another DVD) huh? "Unedited footage. To be watched and edited later or shipped off to the Aftermath?" hmm. Well, could always use a good blackmail opportunity. (Pops the DVD into the DVD player and watches the disc. He looks bored for a while, until a certain part comes on. Then his eyes widen, and he smirks evilly) somebody's been very naughty. (Chuckles evilly) Looks like a certain alliance's days are numbered.

(Suddenly, Mal reacts in pain as though something has got him in the back. He falls forward, revealing Chef with a blow dart standing right behind him, smirking wickedly)

Chef: (Picks up Mal) Just a little prep work for tomorrow's challenge. Sleep tight, ya little weirdo!

(Cut to Boney Island; Owen is fast asleep between 2 bears, using a third one as a makeshift blanket. A bear looks grumpy and elbows Owen in the shoulder, Owen stirs and finally wakes up)

Owen: (Drowsy) wha-? (The bear points to the left) oh, sorry.

(Owen turns away from the bear; they both fall back asleep. Owen then grunts and stirs in his sleep. Cut to inside his dreams; he is floating in a large flaming background.... And he's wearing clothes this time)

Owen: (Notices he's wearing clothes and screams) A dream where I'm not naked!? WHAT KIND OF MADNESS IS THIS!?!?!?

(Suddenly thunder clashes and a familiar Mal-shaped shadow looms over him.)

Owen: Great Cherrychimichunga!!!

Mal: (Laughs evilly) I'll get you, tubby! And your little pallies too!

(Mal chuckles loudly as he pulls a big lever right next to him, causing a little panel to appear under Owen. Owen falls through the panel and freefalls, screaming. Cut back to reality where Owen is still screaming... only this time he and the rest of the contestants are in the middle of the woods back on Wawanakwa, the bear still clinging to him)

Scott: (Grunts while waking up) can someone shut the alarm's face off?

Courtney: (Mumbling) not now, Scott. Go back to your cabin. (Her eyes open wide) wait a minute, Scott?

Scott: (Fully awake) Courtney?

Gwen: (Fully awake) Courtney? Scott?

Mal: (Fully awake, notices the bear attached to Owen) bear?

(The bear awkwardly lets go of Owen, looks around twice, and then awkwardly runs back into the woods)

Zoey: (Looks around) aw man, Chris brought us in the middle of the woods while we were sleeping?

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