Let's face the truth

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As much as we want to,
They can't come back right now.
We'll have to wait.
And that's the worst thing
But hey, we'll do it for them right?
Anything for them.

🎶 How many nights does it take to count the stars thats the time it would take to fix my heart 🎶

The nights it would take to count the stars..
Would feel just like how many nights Directioners have hoped that they'll come back already.

🎶 How many nights have you wished someone would stay lay awake only hoping they're okay 🎶

Whenever I hear this part of the song, i just cant help it but think of how many nights have we wished that they would stay and how sometimes we stay awake thinking about them.
Oh i just love their song infinity.


Oh aren't they so precious?
It's just like their names are meant for each other. It's amazing.

Remember the old days?
When Louis acts like the youngest even though he's the oldest.
When they would just sit and talk to the camera
Remember the video diaries?
Oh i love those.
So much.
Remember the stairs?
I wish i can be there now.
I wish they could be there now.


They are. And they will always be.

Do you ever just want to go back?
To experience it all one more time?
To experience it all again?
Part of me says yes, part of me says no.
Going back would be awesome but that means we'll have to go back through Zayn leaving again and 1D going on a break again...
I don't ever wanna feel that heartbreak again.
But if 1D's never coming back again even though i know they will, I'll do anything to experience it again.

🎶 They don't know about the things we do, they don't know about the "i love yous", but i bet you if they only knew, they would just be jealous of us 🎶

Ohh they will be.
I literally just write here anything i can think of.
While waiting for them..
So long.
I hate this.
I love them.
The life of a Directioner is the most confusing thing ever. like really. EVER.

🎶 Oh, baby look what you've done to me, Oh, baby look what you've done now, Oh, baby I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way 🎶

If 1D kidnapped me I'll definitely develop Stockholm syndrome.
Would you too?
I know we all will.

Sooo. Different day that I'm writing this. Literally just came here after i cried because of a video of them. My pillow is full of tears now.
Videos of their interviews while on hiatus while playing fools gold. How can i not cry

The video of Louis where he said he's proud of Niall.
When he went to see him.
When Niall went to see Harry.
I'm emotionally wounded.

Some time after 2020?

The carrots
The stairs
The no jimmy protested
The it's time to wake up in the morning
The vas happenin
The energy juice
When Louis acts like the youngest
When Zayn was still happy with them and smiling

Those... those are just some of what made us happy.
And the happiness we felt that time... all i can think of is the time that we'll feel that again is some time after 2020

Ouch. Yeah. Life, why are doing this to me? Why are you doing this to us?

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