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Since a lot of you asked for it, here's a three part sequel to my previous story "Twenty Questions". It jumps right into the story on the day after they first met (in the first TQ). The second chapter will be rated M, while the third will only be slightly M-rated. You have been warned.... lol. No, but enjoy!


Kate Beckett woke with a smile burning her cheeks, couldn't remember the last time she woke up with such ease in her whole body. Well, ok, maybe her back hurt a little bit but she figured that must've been thanks to the way she'd been seated the night before. Locked up in that damn wine cellar. With a hot guy. She bit her lip, trying to push down her smile again, her cheeks was hurting. Her mind kept replaying the night, adding the dream her mind had cooked up during the sleep. A dream of how she, instead of simply giving him her number, had invited him up to her apartment. That kiss on the sidewalk had most definitely sparked her imagination.

"Gosh," she sighed out, turning in her bed to put her arms over her head. She groaned into the pillow, her mind playing the way he'd touched her in her dream, how his lips had travelled... oh, stop it.

She shot up from the bed, rubbed her face as she walked over to her bathroom. Following up on her morning routine she was soon out of there again, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a long shirt. Her phone was suddenly buzzing on her night table and she felt her heart start beating faster as she walked closer. She couldn't help but feel slight disappointment when she saw the caller I.D.

"Lanie," she answered and threw a glance to the clock on the night table. Time's already ten?

"Kate! Where the hell did you go last night? I looked everywhere for you when Michael asked if I wanted to get out of there," her best friend had an accusing tone and Kate sighed.

"I got locked up in the wine cellar by mistake," she started and she could practically hear her best friend drop her jaw.


"With a guy," Kate added biting her lip and clenching one of her eyes shut, anticipating the scream she knew would come.

After that she told her best friend the whole story, about how he'd found her in the cellar while looking for wine and how they'd gotten trapped in there until the owner had shown up. How they had played twenty questions and she actually told how she'd been ready to answer his last question, the one about her hottest sexual fantasy, when they'd been interrupted and she'd decided to head for the door instead. Kate could hear the shock through Lanie's voice and couldn't stop the blush from entering her cheeks, could feel her whole body fluster when she suddenly remembered the steamy dream she'd woken from.

"Detective Kate Beckett, letting her guard down for once and see where it gets her? A freaking date with a hot and handsome guy she met in a wine cellar!" Lanie shrieked and Kate had to pull away the phone from her ear in order to not go deaf.

"You don't even know what he looks like," she defended herself, as if she was trying to justify her actions.

"Which is why you need to sneak a picture of him when he comes to take you out," her best friend reasoned and Kate groaned. "Hey! No groaning! You haven't gone out on any dates since I met you!"

"Sure I have!" Kate shot back but as she tried to think back the few years she'd known the Latina she wrinkled her nose as she came to the same conclusion. "Anyway, I should probably check in with the precinct before he calls, make sure there's no de..."

"No. Kate. Just no. You have the day off and you have a date. Just call him, or wait for him to call, I don't know, but don't run away." Her best friend's voice was way too determined for her liking but she knew Lanie just wanted what was best for her, and so she let it go.

Twenty Questions SequelWhere stories live. Discover now