Two Broken Hearts

Start from the beginning

"You're not quitting, aren't you?" I heard her say, her voice sounding more vivid than when she had first talked. "You still owe me your part of the deal, Turner"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm taking you there, Mai"


"You should probably know I suck at dancing, though. I'm just doing this for you"

"Oh, don't get all corny on me. I'll teach you, and even if you don't learn I'll still get a couple of laughs"

"Fuck off" I said, but only earned more laughter form her part, which made me smile anyway.

"Alright, I'll see you then"

"Sure, I'll pick you up"

"Of course you will, it feels weird not to be touring all around the country on your bike" I snorted, knowing that she had been missing me too. "Anyway, I'll let Miles and Bella know, see you later, teddy boy"

"I'll see you, pretty lips" I was about to hung up, but I heard Maia calling for me before I could. "What is it?"

"Oh, it's just... thank you. For not being mad at me and for taking me to the club tonight. It means a lot to me. I used to go out dancing with my friends back in Buenos Aires like every weekend, of course it's been ages since that, but I miss it so much, Al. It just made me forget about everything, like, I really let go" Her voice was full of nostalgia, and so it hit me that this was a big deal for her, thus, I wasn't fucking up this time.

"No problem, Mai. Let's just have a great time. You know that even though I still kind of hate you sometimes, there's no way I could be mad at you for long. You just have that something in you that cheers me up. Besides, it's kinda cute when you call me Al"

"Oh, yeah, I didn't realize about that" She sounded embarrassed, like she hadn't meant to say it. Still, I thought it was the prettiest thing ever. "Whatever, I'll see you tonight, Alex" There she was again, being the same stubborn girl I had crossed ways at the park that first day. It still worked on me, so I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"See you, Mai" I hung up, and this time, I closed my eyes, knowing that I was up for a peaceful nap after so long.

Maia's POV:

It was past midnight by now, and I was patiently waiting for Alex to come pick me up. It had taken more guts than I thought it would to call him this afternoon. Still, something in me kind of missed his presence, so I thought the best way to heal that was to make the first move, and I was really glad I'd done it. I checked myself once again in the mirror, not knowing exactly why. I never dressed myself that neatly whenever I went to a disco. I would always choose something comfortable that would allow me to just let lose to stretch my limbs as much as I could while dancing. Besides, I would be so worn out by the end of the night, that it didn't matter how good I might have looked before, the final result would always be a total mess. Yet, for some strange reason, this must have been around the fifth time that I took a glance at my reflection, and something inside me was telling me I was trying to impress Alex, no matter how much I tried denying it. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door, and Diesel jumped off the couch, dashing towards the entrance.

"Hey" Alex greeted when I opened the door for him. He was leaning against the doorway, and I had to admit he looked great. He was wearing a shiny white shirt tucked inside a pair of tight dark jeans. His hair was all gelled backwards, but his signature quiff hung loosely over his forehead. Diesel made sure to give him a warm welcome, for he started jumping all over him. "Hello to you too, mate" He said as he crouched down to pet him.

"Come in, you prick, I was just finishing getting ready" I closed the door behind him once he had come inside, and unexpectedly kissed him on the cheek. He first looked at me bewildered, but then seemed to remember the explanation for it.

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