I found a guy...

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I found a guy years ago

im still hung up on


i know...

not that guy from wayy before

but someone i never told you before

rather i did 

saying he was new

but!... he was...

just to you.

havent seen him in years

but yet i pin after him as if it wernt 

i dont stalk him

just keep up with him

i get sad when he doesnt answer

i get sad when he says he has to go

i get sad because i dont see him

i get sad because ill never know

if he thinks about me...


i get sad knowing that we might not ever be

but i also get sad knowing our memory might not continue to be

i found a guy 

so long ago

which i think about 

too far to know

knowing that 

what i have in my dreams 

might not ever seem to be 

a part of my reality 

which i hope to be

with this found guy i dream to see

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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