stood up

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Info: Norman is at the bar with Jeffrey and Andrew when they notice a woman being stood up and Norman plays boyfriend for the night.

Warnings: none

She was checking her phone every few minutes

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She was checking her phone every few minutes. Her date was supposed to be here half an hour ago but he  just wasn't showing. She'd look around every so often, holing maybe he was surprising her. It was getting embarrassing, telling the waiter that he'd be there soon. She was holding back tears and holding onto hope.

In a booth sat Norman, Andrew and Jeffrey. They had been a few seats away but could still see the girl waiting for someone who'd never show. Jeffrey had noticed first and ever since they had been rooting for her silently.

"We can't just let her sit there alone" Jeff said to the two of them.

"So one of us is just supposed to jump in?" Andy questioned his plan.

"Yeah, we can take the loss better than she can," Jeffrey shrugged "I'd go but I'm a married man" he said with a laugh.

"Me too" Andrew added on and their eyes were on Norman.

"No, I'm not gonna scare her off. I look like the biggest predator compared to you two. It's not a real date, we're just gonna fill in as her date for an hour or so" Norman refused profusely, not about to make a joke of himself.

"Do it for her man, maybe she's your biggest fan" Jeffrey edged him on.

Norman looked at her again and couldn't deny he thought she was beautiful. The way her hair fell carelessly. When she turned to the door again he could see her profile. Her nose shaped perfectly, her lips had a neutral shade of lipstick on them. He had been single for too long, this was for him as much as it was for her.

When she got up to leave, Jeffrey had launched Norman up onto his feet. Norman couldn't just sit back down after the small scene made so he walked. He walked up behind her and placed a hand on the small of her back, giving her a kiss on the check.

"Hey babe, sorry I'm late. I was sitting at the bar looking for you" Norman said, playing the role of her date flawlessly.

She looked at him confused but realized his intentions were good. He sat down across from her at the table and she took the queue.

"You don't have to do this" she mumbled nervously, addressing her pitiful stand up before the fact that she knew who he was.

"I want to. And so do they" he laughed, pointing over to Jeffrey and Andrew who gave him a thumbs up.

"You don't have to play my savior, I don't want to keep them from you. I know you don't get a lot of downtime with the show so you get ba-" she started to gather her things discreetly but he stopped her, placing his hand on hers.

"Sit down, order a drink, get some food and just talk to me. I'm your date tonight" he told her, his eyes looking right into hers.

"Okay, thank you" she gave him a soft smile and settled into her chair.

"So I guess you know me" he said, trying to kick up a conversation as her nerves were close to shot right now.

"Yeah, I watch the show, seen the movies" she smiled sheepishly.

"Well its only fair I get your name since you already got mine"

"I'm y/n"

The two had spent the night talking in the bar, rambling off of each other like old friends. Andrew and Jeffrey even left on their own while Norman continued on his date. He had forgotten the fact that he wasn't really her date and it made him upset. Who would pass up a date on her?

When they decided to wrap up, he paid their check in full. He walked her outside where they'd say their goodbyes.

"I know I shouldn't use my standing to get a kiss from you, but I want one" he said smugly.

"Not on the first date, Norm" she shook her head, laughing and looking down at the ground.

"Hey, don't worry about that douche bag that stood you up, he's missing out" he tried to lift her spirits.

"Yeah, I guess"

"Do you have a car or do you need a cab?" He asked, moving on from the subject.

"I'm catching a cab" she replied, looking up at him.

"Here, I'll hail one for you" he walked out to the street and got one for her.

He slid a fifty into her hand for her to pay for the cab.

"Norman, I don't need it"

"Take it, I'm hoping maybe that if I give you that you'll give me your number in exchange," he smirked "I'd like to see you again"

"Yeah, here" she wrote down her number on the back of an old target receipt and gave it to him. She placed it in her hand and kissed him on the cheek.

"I thought you didn't kiss on the first date?" He asked her with a lopsided grin.

"I guess your star standing landed you one after all"

Norman Reedus imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now