Chapter Two

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"Hey, wasn't it sunny just a moment ago?" Arriete asked, looking up at the sky.

"Tree," Pipei muttered from Arriete's shoulder.

"Aw man," Larance sighed, holding Torchic close. "And we're still not near Oldale Town yet."

"It's just cloudy," Bina observed, Mudkip looking up as well. "We can still make it before dark."

The three friends continued to walk on in peaceful silence, until Torchic perked up.

"Torchic?" Larance asked. "What's wrong?"

Torchic squirmed out of Larance's arms and ran off into the trees. Larance cried out in concern and raced after his Pokemon, Bina and Arriete running after him. Torchic kept running, not caring that her trainer was trying to keep up with her. Finally, she reached a clearing where there only lay a cage. She ran up to the cage and began to furiously peck at the bars.

"Torchic!" Larance exclaimed, picking up the small chick Pokémon. "You can't run off like that!"

"Chic!" Torchic replied, squirming in his arms.

"Larance, look," Bina whispered, pointing at the cage.

Larance peered into the cage to find a hurt and sleeping Poochyena. Arriete kneeled by his side and peered into that age as well. Larance felt rage boil up inside of him and was about to punch the cage when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Control your temper, Larance," Bina muttered, frowning.

Larance looked down before standing back up. Arriete searched through her bag before she found a hairpin. She then stuck the pin into the lock and messed around with until the lock opened with a small click. Trying not to disturb the sleeping Pokémon, she gently picked it up.

"We need to get it to a Pokémon Center," Arriete said, looking around the clearing. "I have a feeling that whoever put this Pokémon in that cage is going to back. Soon."

Larance and Bina nodded, and soon the three friends were running towards Oldale Town as fast as they could.


"Hey, it's me. The cage is empty. The Poochyena has been taken."

"...By who?"

"Three children."

"Describe them."

"There were two girls and one boy. One girl had green eyes and black hair, the other girl had blue eyes and blonde hair, and the boy had red-orange hair and golden eyes. What do you want us to do?"



"Follow them, but keep out of sight. Make sure that that boy doesn't leave your sight."

"Yes sir."


"Nurse Joy! We need help!"

Nurse Joy looked up from what she was doing as the three friends ran into the Center.

"Oh, your poor Pokémon!" Nurse Joy exclaimed, taking it from Arriete's arms. "How could you do this to it?"

"It wasn't us!" Bina replied. "We found it in a cage and freed it!"

"I see," Nurse Joy muttered. "I'm sorry I blamed you three. Just wait out here, ok? I'll get you when I'm finished."

The three friends nodded in sync and Nurse Joy ran off into a room, her Chansey following after her.
Time passed by slowly. Arriete drummed her fingers on the table she sat at, Pipei sitting next to her. Bina was sitting across from her, petting a sleeping Mudkip. Larance walked over to them holding two drinks, Torchic helping him carry a third drink.

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