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This is a Harry Potter based story. Obviously everything you recognise belongs to JKR, otherwise, I try to be original...

31st October 1981

The lights flickered out as a cloaked man swept past down the darkened lane of Privet Drive. He had always found muggle neighbourhoods unsettling, especially at night; no one was to be seen wandering about and the internal lights in the houses were all out. The silence of that crisp night only broken by the rustling of leaves from immaculate gardens. He watched as the branching shadows were engulfed by the larger darkness he was creating by disilluminating the streetlamps.

He approached a house and stopped beside the cars parked in front of the fence. A cat stalked along the fence, eyes shining out of the blackness, before leaping towards the man, morphing into a sharp, stern looking lady as she landed in front of him. She stepped closer to him, rage and her pointed hat allowed her to seemingly tower over him.

"You cannot be serious Albus! These muggles are the worst kind of people. They can't raise one child properly, let alone one who belongs in our world!" her Scottish accent sharpened her tone as she reprimanded the man.

The man, Albus, twitched his fingers through his beard as he sighed. He should have known that she was going to make his life difficult. "Minerva. My dear. He must live here. They are his only relatives! Family is more important than anything else. Besides, if he was raised in our world, he will be treated so differently. No. it's best he grows up away from all that."

Minerva whirled around, "Don't you dare pretend this is for his benefit. Petunia verbally abused her own sister for being different! Blood means nothing in this situation, you simply want to have Harry in the best position so that he is a clean slate for you drill your opinions into! He is not your pawn!" the normally collected woman was heaving furious breaths in as she paced back and forth a few steps.

As an engine was heard in the distance, Albus spoke with an icy tone; "You are out of line Minerva. You have the audacity to question me and to insinuate that this is not to the benefit of the boy. I hate to remind you that I am your senior, and that you are a part of my staff. If you would like it to remain that way, I recommend you back down now." He hissed out the final part, giving the impression that he certainly didn't hate to remind her of the hierarchy.

Pursing her lips with fury, the woman took a step back as an old motorcycle descended from the sky and the engine chugged out. A huge figure climbed off and pulled a small bundle off from around this large girth. As he turned, his mouth could be seen to be gasping as if trying to speak, before his body shuddered with what must be a sob. Fat tears leaked from his eyes and spilt into his wiry, overgrown beard. Shaking, he nodded to the two other adults there, before trudging along the garden path. He placed the bundle down on the front step and placed a letter under a fold in the blanket so no to be blown away in the night.

Shuddering, the massive man shuffled back to his bike before leaving unsteadily. Albus allowed the lights to illuminate the lane once more before drawing a wand and aiming at Minerva.


A silver mist entered her shocked eyes, making her visibly relax. A serene smile replaced her frown as she looked back at the sleeping child. "He will grow up so loved, Albus" she smiled before taking his arm, turning on her heel, and they disapparated.

The residents of Number Four, Privet Drive would certainly wake up to a surprise the following morning. It was hardly normal to have an injured child delivered overnight.

Especially one such as Harry Potter.

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