The Reveal

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Dear Clyde,

          Remember when we first met in 6th grade and you always came to my rescue when I was being bullied. You didn't care that my shoes were old and dirty or that my hair was never done. I never had new clothes and I had the most awkward personality. You never stopped wanting to be my friend and that made me wanna never stop loving you. It's taken me 8 years to finally say this, but I love you. 

          I love how you've always made it your priority to protect me. I love how you never shot me done about any of my dumb ideas. I love how you like to text me at 3 in the morning and ask me to come sit outside with you. I love how you can be yourself around me and in return I can be mine. 

          The only downfall is... you had a baby with her. My best friend. How could you? I've hated you for so long, while still falling more in love with you each time. I completely cut her off but you- I can't do that to you. You've been so much more to me than a crush. Now you're out here having random sex with whoever whenever you can. Through all of that, I still continue to love you. 

           If none of these situations were standing in our way, I promise I would approach you now. I'm more confident in myself, you know? I would've never been able to even pick up the pen to put this on paper for you. That's thanks to you though. You always told me I was beautiful and that I was going to get more beautiful as time went on. By the way, you were right lol. 

         A wise man once said, "tell people how you feel when you feel it." So here I am. Sitting in my bed at 7:37 p.m., thinking about how you smile every time you say my name. You know you don't have to love me back. But you have to know that I'll always be here regardless of your decision. So, love me or not... best friends before anything.



To The One I LovedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon