"Much happier,"

"I'll get going," I tell him and he gets up along, "You don't have to_"

"I want to," He interrupts before I could finish.


"What's wrong?" Alex asks after a while of silent walking.

"Nothing. What do you mean?" I look to the floor as I walk avoiding eye contact.

"You are overthinking about something," He obviously reads minds

"Kind of..."

"What is it?"

"It's about you," I look at him.

"What about me?"

"Um... I feel like it's none of my business so let's just forget it," I give him a small smile.

"You are already part of me. Whatever it is you can tell me," He said and I wanted to know what he meant by 'you are already part of me', but I decide against asking.

"I don't really know you, I wanted to get to know you better." I say since I knew there was no point asking about his dad. He doesn't seem to want to talk about it.

"What do you want to know?"

"Are you from France? Or a native French-speaking country?" I ask because of his name and also because he calls me 'Ma Reine' sometimes.

"I was born there, but didn't stay long. My mum is French and my dad is British." He explains and now it makes sense. I knew his dad was not French.

"You're the only one besides Youssef, who can pronounce my name correctly. Youssef told me you were from Conakry, I searched it up really and found out it was the capital of guinea. I've actually heard about that country, it is one of the countries France has colonized." He says gaining a smile from me.

"Wow, well done, you really did your homework!" I state playfully.

"I always do," He plays along and suddenly a rush of wind blows right through me and I immediately regret not having brought a jacket, "It's getting quite chilly,"  He says as he removes his coat. Well, he was smart enough to bring a coat.

"You don't need to do that," I refuse before he could even hand it to me.

"I don't want you getting cold," He says as he places the coat around my shoulders.

"What about you?"

"I'm fine, don't worry."

After I had the coat on properly I could feel how warm it was already from him wearing it. His cologne immediately invaded my nostrils and for some reason that made be smile. Maybe he isn't as bad as I used to see him, unless this is all part of his game. But the truth is, I don't feel uncomfortable like I used to feel before, but the other way round instead, I feel like this is where I am meant to be.

Why am I suddenly thinking about Jameelah? I guess I just want to know what is his relationship with her.

"Um... Alex..." I can't believe what I'm about to ask, "Did you really go home yesterday? I wasn't eavesdropping but... I kinda heard you talk to that girl in the corridors this morning." I say remembering how she 'really had fun last night ' with Alex.

"We just went to Felicia for like ten minutes." He explains and for some reason that lighten up my mood a little.

But I still don't think she likes me. She seems to have something against me, although she doesn't really know me.

"Do you like her?" I accidentally say it and he looks at me for a few seconds before smiling, "Oh, you do. I'm sorry I even asked. It's really none of my business."

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